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I followed Ryan into the back room, He sat down on one of the bean bags and I did the same. He lit up a blunt before speaking. "Something's happened with Jasmine." He said blowing out smoke.

When I heard her name I wanted this whole conversation to be over, I can really care less what's happened with her, the bitch can go catch aids and die for all I care.

"Wow, really?" I said as uninterested as possible. He sensed it right away.

"Look sis, I know you don't care but we need her and you know this..." I zoned him out and instantly thought about Robin. I need to talk to her, or see her if she's still in her coma.

"We need your help, you down?" He asked me. Knowing I didn't hear anything he said I just agreed and left the room. I went up to Deon as he played the game.

"Let me borrow your car real quick." He pulled his car keys out his pocket and handed it to me. I walked out the house and into the car and made my way to the hospital.

When I got there I hurried in and approached the front desk. "Robin White for visitation please." I said, the lady started typing on her computer.

"Um ma'am have you been around here lately?" She asked. I hit the side of my leg because I was really in a rush.

"Can you just let me see her please." I begged. she cleared her throat.

"Miss, Robin White was moved to our Morgue Unit about a month in a half ago. It was a terrible incident that happened here, it was all over the news..supposedly she was shot right here in the hospital." She said.

When she said that my heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. Robin Died? Shot? I swear if Jasmine did this I was killing that bitch the minute I seen her. I thanked her and then walked off.

My mind was everywhere, Tears were falling that weren't forced. I then remembered I didn't have a phone because they took it so I needed to get a new one.

I drove to the mall and went inside the apple store and picked up another iPhone 8. I purchased it and had my service and contacts and everything transferred on it.

I walked out and dialed Dannie's number, she must be beyond depressed. After all Robin was her best friend. Her phone went straight to voicemail. It didn't even ring.

I didn't even know where she lived. I drove back to my brother's house. He was outside with dad, they looked like they were having a deep conversation.

I walked up to Ryan, "Who here can track somebody for me?" I asked. Him and my dad looked at eachother and laughed. I stood there straight faced.

"Sis who the hell do you have to track?" He asked with this big ass goofy smirk on his face.

"Mind your business, who here can track people?" I asked again.

"My mans Ace can help you with that, he inna back." he said shaking his head.

"This yo fault pops.." I heard him say before i walked inside. I went to the back and tapped on Ace's shoulder.

"Can you track somebody for me? It's important." He adjusted his glasses before replying.

"Sure, who would that be?" he asked. Ace was a nerd at heart, no wonder my brother took in the idea to hire him for shit like this.

"Dannie." I said taking in the note I did not know her last name.

"Last name?" he asked. "I don't know unfortunately." I said rocking back in forth.

"He or She?" he asked. I sighed. "She Ace." I said becoming frustrated.

"Well lets see, seems as if there are approximately 112 Dannie's in the city of Philadelphia that are females" He said, he handed his laptop over to me which showed different profiles of the different Dannie's.

It took me about a hour before I finally came across her.

"Her." I said pointing at the picture of Dannie on the screen. He cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles before he began typing.

"Seems here she is incarcerated and is being held in Holmesburg Prison." He said. I immediately frowned. Robin's Dead. Jasmine's missing. Dannie's locked up. How great.


I sat on the small stool waiting for the guards to bring Dannie Out. I needed to know what the fuck was going on and soon before I lose my mind.

They brought Dannie out in a Blue Prison jumpsuit. She had Braids in her hair and she looked confused on who would be visiting her.

When her eyes landed on mine a look of regret came upon her face which confused me. They walked her to me.

"You have 5 minutes" The guard said. She sat down in front of me.

"How did you find me Amber?" She asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry about that, why are you in here?" I asked. That was the main reason I was here.

"You don't know?" She asked. I frowned in confusion.

"No obviously, why are you in here Dannie?" I asked a second time,

"'re going to hate me after I tell you this but I don't want to keep it from you, plus if I do, any day now you're going to see it on YouTube or something, but.....I was the one who shot Robin. Jasmine..your Jasmine..Offered me 25 grand to kill her..before you ask how I even know her its a long story that you're gonna have to talk to her about.."

This son of a bitch killed her best friend, the fuck, and Oh ima talk to her alright.

She continued," I am really sorry Amber.." I started to zone her out, tears fell from my eyes as I thought about strangling her right here right now in front of these guards. I hate her and Jasmine. Fuck her.

I didn't let her finish. "Rot in hell Dannie." I said before standing and storming out of the correctional facility. Jasmine got whats coming for her as soon as she come up.

Could my life get any worse.

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