Making up

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Rose slowly woke up, slightly shifting under the fluffy blanket. She yawned as she sat up and stretched. Her eyes opened, and Willy was no where to be found.

"Daddy?" She called out, wondering where he went. She moved the blanket off her body and stood up.

An Oompa Loompa walked into the room and tugged on her pant leg. She looked down and crouched so she was about to his height. "Have you seen my father?"

He whispered in her ear, telling her where she was. She gave a small nod before standing up and grabbing her coat. "Thank you..." she said before walking out of the factory.

A man reading a newspaper was getting his shoes shined by Charlie.

"Pity about that Walter fellow. Or Wendell..."

"Willy wonka..." Charlie corrected him.

"That's the one. I heard his sales aren't doing so well. But I guess he's just a rotten egg that deserves it. You ever met him?"

Charlie looked down and swallowed a lump in his throat. "I did. I thought he was great at first. But then he didn't turn out so nice. He also has a funny haircut..."

The newspaper moved down, revealing Willy wonka.

"I do not!"

Charlie stopped shining his shoes and looked at him with a sad look. "Why are you here?"

"I don't feel so hot. What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?"

"My family..."

Willy looked down and muttered "ew..."

Charlie then stood up and crossed his arms. "What do you have against my family?"

Willy lightly shook his head. "It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of..."

He trailed off as he made a weird noise.

Meanwhile, rose was standing behind a building, peeking her head so she could look at them. She could hear the whole conversation.

He groaned. "You know they always tell you what to do and what not to do and it's just not for a conducive atmosphere..."

Charlie shook his head. "Usually they are just trying to protect you. Because they love you... just like with rose..."

Willys breath hitched. Ever since rose was born, he promised to protect her and make her happy. If something happened to her, he would be heartbroken. She was his little girl.

"Charlie... I do love rose. With all my heart. She is my little girl and I will do anything to keep her happy. If I lost her, I would be nothing..."

Roses felt tears fill her eyes as she slowly walked towards them. Willy looked up, and took off his glasses.

She sat down beside him, her hands slightly shaking.

He noticed and gently took her hand in his.

"You should really talk to your father daddy. You need to make things right..."

Willy let out a deep sigh as he gently squeezed her hand. "I'll only go if you and Charlie come with me..."

She looked at Charlie, who nodded. She looked back at Willy and smiled sadly. "Of course we'll go.." she kissed his cheek before standing up.

They walked towards the great glass elevator and she pressed the button. The doors opened and they walked inside.

They took off to his fathers house

When they landed, rose gently slid her hand through his elbow as they walked towards the house that lay in the middle of the snow. She gave his arm a gentle squeeze. "It'll be ok daddy..."

They walked up the stairs and Charlie pressed on the doorbell. The door opened, revealing a man in a white coat with glasses and grey hair. He looked at them, a little confused.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Charlie shook his head. "No sir. But he's overdue..."

Willys chair was kicked back. Dr wonka looked at him. "Open...."

Willy hesitated a moment before doing as told. "Now... lets see what the damage is shall we?" 

As dr wonka did his job, rose and Charlie looked around. They saw newspaper articles and a bunch of pictures of Willy. They were about his success. Willy glanced at rose. She had grown up so much. He remembered when he first held her, her first laugh, her first word which was "daddy..."

She would always be his sweet little girl.

"Goodness. I haven't seen bicuspids like these since... since..."

He took a good look at Willy, before setting the tools down. "Willy?"

Willy slightly nodded. "Hi dad..." he sat up as dr wonka slightly smiled. "All these years. And you haven't flossed."

Willy shook his head. "Not once..."

They both hesitated before Willy rested his head against his chest. Dr wonka wrapped his arms around him. He felt so happy to reunite with his son.

After a moment of silence, dr wonka looked at rose. "Who is this lovely lady?" He asked as he pulled away.

Willy stood up and smiled at rose. "This is your granddaughter rose. Rose, this is my father, Wilbur wonka."

She gently shook his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you sir."

Dr. Wonka gently placed a hand over hers and gave her a soft smile. "It's nice to meet you dear."

Rose smiled as she looked at Willy, who put on his coat and top hat. "It was nice seeing you dad. I'll give you my address so you can come visit us."

He nodded as he slightly smiled. "That would be wonderful son. And you can visit me anytime..."

Willy wrote down the address before shaking Dr wonkas hand. "I hope to see you again."

They smiled before walking out of the house. Willy felt happy that him and his father made up.

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