What Should I Do?

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Matts POV

Hayes and Nash told us how pretty their girlfriends were, but I never ever saw them. Until the dance, Hayes brought his girlfriend Madelyn and Nash brought his girlfriend Bree. Whenever they first came over I couldn't stop looking at Madelyn, I mean she was beautiful, on the other hand Nash's girlfriend Brianna or Bree I don't know her name. I was looking at Madelyn and I guess I wasn't listing to what everyone was saying. I know that I have a girlfriend, but Madelyn is different, but I can't like her! No I can't Hayes is like my brother and I can do that to him.

Samantha's (Matts girlfriend) POV

When Hayes brought his girlfriend over to talk and let us meet her I saw that Matt kept looking at her like a little kid looking at ice cream or toys. I gave him a little push to catch his eye. He gave me a mean stare. I just walked away and took Bree and Madelyn with me. I liked Bree she was okay. But Madelyn man if she tries something with my Boo ima go monkey on her. I just took her away to make Matt mad. I saw them over there talking the boys, must have been talking about football or something that they all like.

Madelyn's POV

When Hayes took me over to meet the boys I noticed that Matt kept looking at me. I thought maybe I had something on my lip or face. I didn't know why. I saw Samantha looking at him in a mad way she would look at him then me. I saw her push him. And tbh I really didn't like her. She seemed like a girl that doesn't like to be nice but i don't know maybe it was just me. I knew that her and Matt have been dating for around or over a year, but it seemed like he really didn't like or love her. She came over and took Bree's and my hand and took us over to the food. Great. I hate being away from Hayes

Matts POV

Wow I thought to myself. Samantha is so jelly of Madelyn. I thought it was pretty funny tbh. I had to talk to Madelyn by the end of the night. I just didn't know how to talk to her like when I just was I kept looking and not even talking. She's gonna know something's up if I keep doing that. Maybe I should just talk to Nash about it. I will. At 11 I must talk to Nash Grier about Madelyn.

Nash's POV

I saw that Samantha took Bree and Madelyn with her. Crap I really wanted to kiss Bree again tonight. Oh well I'll have to find her when it's time. I have everything planned out. It's gonna be around 10:30 when I ask the Dj to play a slow song and I ask her to dance them I shall make my move I thought in my mind. It was 10:00 right now maybe I should go get Bree. "Hey Bree do you um.. Wanna.... Um... Dance with me maybe? You don't have to" I said crap. I hate when I do that whenever I talk to her. "Awe Nash that's so cute. Yes I would love to dance with you" YES!!! I thought it my mind but I just played it all cool. Right now it was 10:50 maybe I took a little long to ask her but oh well it was worth every minute. Whenever the Dj started playing the song I asked him to play (you and me) I took Bree's hand and we started dancing right away. Man. I really really did like Bree she was beautiful and always herself when she was around me. The song was almost over so I when to lean in to kiss her and that's when I saw Matt waving me down. CRAP. " I have to go see what Matt freaking wants Bree I'm so sorry" I said "It's ok Nash go on see what he wants good luck" she said

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't updated in awhile things came up. But I'll try to update again this week or weekend! I hope you liked it!

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