What Does He Want?

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Hi guys! I'm really sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been busy with school ew! Have fun reading!

Nash's POV

I walked over to Matt and asked what the heck he wanted! " What do you want!?! I was about to make my move!!!" I asked kinda yelling "Sorry man I just gotta talk to you about something" he said not looking at me. His cheeks were kinda getting red and I was thinking about what he was gonna say to me. I hope it wasn't anything bad. Please let it not be bad news! "Well then let's talk about whatever you made me come over here for" It took him about a minute or so to say something but he couldn't spit it out! "Well....I.... Uh.... All right I'm just gonna say it. I KINDA LIKE MADELYN!!" He said in a loud voice. Everyone stopped and looked at us. Oh god let's pray that Hayes didn't hear that I was thinking in my mind. But of corse Hayes heard it. He ran over to Matt and started hitting him saying "SHES MINE!" "YOULL NEVER EVER GET HER!" I had to pull Hayes off of Matt before it gets any crazier. I just didn't know what to do. Hayes never ever acted like that so he must really love Madelyn. I just hope they won't brake up because if they do ever brake up he couldn't live without her. They're just so cute together. As I was thinking this I got Bree and Madelyn so I can take us all home and maybe forget this ever happened.

Hayes POV

As soon has I heard Matt say that he liked Madelyn I ran over and just started beating him up. I knew that we were so close and we might not ever be close again but whatever only I can have Madelyn (besides Bree, we always fight over her) Before I knew it Nash was carrying me and he got Bree and Madelyn and put us in the Truck. I can tell he was mad but I really don't care I just wanted him to stop and turn back around so I can go finish beating to crap out of Matt for my beautiful girlfriend. She was my whole life. I know that we mostly just meant but I really don't care. As I was thinking I heard Madelyn whisper to me " Are you okay?" She asked " Yes I'm just really mad" I said back to her I really didn't feel like talking to anyone but her. The truck stopped and we were at Madelyn and Bree's house. " I'll text you later after I get a shower babe" she told me "Okay I love you. I said " Love you too" then she got out and went into the house.

Hi guys! Sorry it's short! I wanna do a really long chapter and update it Saturday or Sunday. Don't be mad that I haven't been updating! See y'all next chapter!

Falling In Love ( A Nash Grier & Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now