I love you

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Hey guys! I wanted to make another one because we're on spring brake but only get 4 days, so with those days I wanted to write a another chapter! I hope you guys like it, and be sure to vote and comment what you think! Don't be scared

Hayes POV

I heard Madelyn scream,Jake her ex ran out, yes I would run to her house so many things were rushing through my mind. What if he hurt my Madelyn!? I was thinking the worst but it could happen. I finally got to her house and I ran into the door without knocking, Madelyn was crying she looked so surprised that I just came in like that but just think, what if it was your girlfriend or boyfriend wouldn't you do the same as I did? Yeah I'm pretty sure you would. "What the- What happened with you guys!? I yelled at Madelyn, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, We had a little bit of a fight I guess you can call it, he said he still likes Me, he still wants me back, I told him I was happy with you and I will always be". Madelyn said almost crying, I really felt bad for her I mean I didn't like to see her cry, her eyes were all red, her bottom lip was all out, her nose as red as a fire truck. I hated all of it, I just wanted to kiss her and hug her so hard. "Shh it's okay baby,how about we all watch some movies tonight? We can have Shorty over too" I said while hugging her "Alright,But I get to pick the movie" she said almost smiling whipping her eyes. Of corse I couldn't say no to her face. "Okay baby, you'll get to pick the movie" I said while kissing the top of her head. Man I really loved this girl, I never ever wanted to let her go and if that Hunter or Jake kid tried anything and I mean ANYTHING, they'll be sorry. I didn't want Madelyn to start crying so I didn't even ask for the story of what happened, she told me that they got into a fight so I believed her. I had my arm around her, so I could help her get to my house she wasn't hurt or anything but I just wanted to make sure she was okay and he didn't do anything to her. When we got into my house I layed her down on the couch. "Guys come on down! We're all gonna watch a movie and Madelyn gets to pick this time!" I yelled "Okay just let me get Shorty off of Nash he's still trying to dance with him!" Bree yelled, Madelyn and I just started laughing so hard, Shorty should get that he has a girlfriend & Nash is Bree's, and for me well I'm Madelyn's forever. When Bree,Nash and Shorty finally came down they all sat on the big couch while Madelyn and I got the small one, we're used to it tho, they always take the big one. "Okay so Madelyn what do you want to ask?" I said to Madelyn with a smile on my face. "Frozen all the way!" She said with a big smile, "Oh god not again,we always watch that movie at home! But whatever your choice" Bree said complaining. Shorty put the movie in because he was the closest. I thought oh my this is gonna be a long night.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say Happy Easter to all of y'all! Hope you guys have a wonderful day! And I also hope you liked this chapter! See y'all next time

Falling In Love ( A Nash Grier & Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now