Jasper's Lesson

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POV Encre:

I wake up because of a nice music, I recognize the sound of a piano, it's beautiful. I stand up and follow the noise, I hear Fallacy and Jasper' voices, I enter on the room, Suave is here too but he doesn't speak like always.

Fallacy: Jasper can you be more focus in your lesson? It's the tenth time you miss the same notes!

Jasper: S-Sorry...

Fallacy: Since the beginning, another time Jasper. I follow you.

Mr Suave: (See Encre and bow down). Do you spend a good night Encre?

Encre: (Smiles). Yes thank you Suave, everything was perfect.

Fallacy: (Miss a note and looks at Encre and Mr Suave). No more courtesy between you?

Encre: Good morning to you too Fallacy.

Jasper: Father, can we continue?

Fallacy: Yea... Sure. (Inhales). Here we go.

Encre: (Looks them and smiles). The song is so... calming. (Approach to them and look the piano). You play well Jasper.

Jasper: Thank you. (Miss again the same note). OH no!

Fallacy: (Sighs desperate). Not so well... (Angry). I will tell you how much time Jasper!?

Encre: (Pose a hand on Jasper's shoulder). You don't have to be angry against him Fallacy! It's not like that you teach something to a child.

Mr Suave: Encre, I am not sure it's a great idea to intervene...

Fallacy: How you can know, you don't have any child!

Encre: Move.

Fallacy: (Stand up and let his place to Encre). The pleasure is mine, good luck!

Encre: (Looks him seriously). Let me only five minutes! (Looks nicely Jasper). Look Jasper, I will do it first and during this time you will look attentively my hands okay?

Jasper: (Nods). Alright.

Encre: (Play the melody). ...

Fallacy: (Stares Encre, crosses arms). Hm?

Jasper: (Looks attentively Encre's hands). ...

Encre: (Finish). Here! Now it's your turn do you want me to follow you or do you want to try by your own?

Jasper: I wanna try alone.

Fallacy: Ah! You don't succeed when I follow you and you will succeed alone? Let me laugh.

Encre: (Smiles). No problem, do it and don't hear your father.

Jasper: (Plays and finish the song without fault). I did it! hehe!

Fallacy: (Shocked). What?!

Encre: It's great Jasper! (Hug him). You don't have to doubt about yourself! (Looks him into eyes). And don't hear what people can say about you or your work, even if it's your father, you promise?

Jasper: (Nods). Yes!

Encre: (Stands up and look Fallacy into eyes seriously). You talk about a father. (Walks over Mr Suave).

Mr Suave: (Smiles to Encre). Excellent job Encre.

Encre: (Smiles and blushes gently). Oh it was nothing, say that to your Lord.

Fallacy: (Approach to Jasper). Thank you for ridiculing me Jasper. (Raises his hand).

Jasper: (Look Fallacy's hand and closes his eyes). Hm...

Encre: (Runs over Jasper and hug him to protect him). Don't, You, Dare!

Fallacy: (Slam Encre instead of Jasper, shocked). En-Encre!

Jasper: (Opens his eyes surprise). B-but... why?

Encre: (His cheek is bleeding and looks hatred Fallacy). How dare you to raise your hand to your son whereas he succeed the song?! YOU CAN'T... slam your son only because you are frustrated Fallacy!! This isn't how it works.

Fallacy: En-Encre, let me heal you.

Encre: I don't need of your help Fallacy. (Looks Mr Suave). Suave, takes Jasper on his apartments.

Mr Suave: (Bow down). Of course Encre, my Lord, follow me.

Jasper: (Follow quickly Mr Suave). ...

Encre: You make me shameful.

Fallacy: (Pose his hand on Encre's cheek). Encre, please.

Encre: (Removes Fallacy's hand). Don't touch me! (Trembles and tears up). You disgust me, how someone can act like this with his son... (Walks away). I go in my room, DON'T follow me...

Fallacy: You are in my castle! I can go where I want!

Encre: (Ignores him). ...

Fallacy: (Looks his hand with Encre's blood drops on it). I failed my promise. (Closes his eyes). Forgive me...

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