The Truth.

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Flash Back:

Encre: I am back now, don't worry. (Looks behind him at Fallacy before to look in front of him and walks with the others in direction of the village). ...

Azure: (Follows everyone happy and turn around). Sir Rufous! Come! Don't stay behind!

Rufous: Continue without me! I have to make my laces again.

Azure: Alright but hurry up otherwise you will be lost hehe~. (Keep following the others).

Rufous: (Looks Fallacy). A vampire huh? So disgusting...

Fallacy: (Shocked, looks him with empty eyes). Y-You... heh, you won, you all won against me. What do you want exactly? Your laces are perfectly made.

Rufous: I know, but you're still a vampire so, I have to do my job to protect Azure and all the village.

Fallacy: (Lost). But, Encre just say-

Rufous: I don't care of what he said. (Walks over him and plant a knife into Fallacy's chest). Just go die in your castle, disappear, forever! 

Fallacy: (Coughs blood, low). I-I ... Encre... I- (Tears up). Protect him well please, protect him... Don't let him alone, make him smile every day, because his smile... Can make a day better only if you saw it hehe...

Rufous: I don't have to listen to a vampire! (Hides the knife and run to follow Azure and the others).

Fallacy: (Poses a hand on his chest still coughing blood and return slowly to the castle, sadly).

End of the Flash Back.

POV Azure:

That's not possible anymore! It will make two days that Ink came back on the village, and two days that nobody saw him go out of there, what is his problem?... I would love, and not only me, see him again, see him go out with his smile full of happiness, peace and joy! Where is this smile? Where is our Ink? We all miss him...

POV Encre:

Two days, four hours, twenty two minutes and fifteen seconds... It's the time since I left Fallacy on the forest... Two days, three hours, thirty minutes and fifty six seconds, it's the time I spent closed at my empty house, alone and thinking about Him and Jasper, Suave too sometimes heh! It's obvious that Jasper loves him, it's cute~... Anyway, the same question turn again and again in my head: Why did I leave? I have a lot of answers but... None seemed enough as excuses to have left. First, Jasper wanted me to disappear of his life, to go out of the castle, it's what I did, I respected his choice and I understand it. Then, *sighs* What I feel for Fallacy, it's Love, completely. But, Love is an ephemeral feeling, Love is- worthless! If I stayed with him, in the castle, Fallacy will have enough of me one day and we will be separated, it's unavoidable! While, with the village, I already said it, we are a big family all together! Whatever I did or will do, whatever I said or will say, they will always love me as a member of their family and it's reciprocal! It's for that I made this choice... It's for that I decided to follow Azure, Rufous, Lucy and the others; they are my family and Family is even more important than Love!

I stand up, smiling, I just have to wait, Time will heal me and heal Them too, I'm sure about it hehe~ I just have to have Faith, never mind how much time I have to wait to be better, with my family next to me, I will be better very soon! I can trust them, like they can trust me.

I go out of my house, still smiling, I feel already better to see the shiny sun on the sky, I walk on the village, saying hello and waves to everyone I see in my way, they look all happy, it's awesome! All of that missed me so much! A little girl is crying, I walk over her.

Ink: (Kneels down). Hey sweetheart, why are you crying?

Girl: I- I didn't take enough money to buy an apple and my house is really far away, I'm tired to walk... I wanted my apple. (Sniff).

Ink: (Smiles). Wait here~ (Buy an apple). Thank you Joe!

Joe: No problem Ink! It's a pleasure to see you over here again!

Ink: It's a pleasure to be here. (Gives the apple to the little girl). Here Angel, a gift for you, keep your money and return to your house after to have eaten this awesome apple.

Girl: (Smiles happy). Thank you a lot Sir Ink! Thank you! You're the best! Welcome Home again! (Runs away happy and giggling).

Ink:  (To Joe). I will take a bag of oranges please Joe.

Joe: (Put few oranges inside of a bag). It's like it was done! You will make your fabulous Pie again huh?

Ink: Yes, it has been a while I didn't do it! I promise to keep a slice for you! (Chuckles). At least, I will try!

Joe: Alright, thanks Inky buddy! (Gives him the bag of oranges). Here!

Ink: (Gives him the money). Thank you, see you later bud' (Return to his house singing).

Azure: Hey Ink, you finally go out!

Ink: Sure I do, wanna come in my house? I will do my Orange Pie!

Azure: Why not!

POV Fallacy:

I'm so low, I hate to be so weak... I don't stop sweating and my wound is still hurting me as hell and bleeding sometimes! At least I'm not dead or not yet. I wish to be better, really. I can't die! I- I have to take care of Jasper, I promised him. I don't want him to be afraid to be alone. He is more courageous than me, heh ironic.

Suave: Sir Fallacy ... I'm not sure you...

Fallacy: (Breathing heavily, sweating). I-I know Suave but I have to! I have to try at least... For my son...

Suave: Jasper is asking for you, can he enters?

Fallacy: Let him enter p-please... If I have to go, I- ahh-... the last thing I want to see it's him, and his eyes that are the same as Encre...

Suave: Alright... My lord! Come in!

Jasper: (Enters slowly and looks sadly Fallacy). F-Father... I- I am so sorry, all of this is my fault...

Fallacy: It's... not, son.

Jasper: It is! If I didn't say that to... to Encre, he will be still here now and you would never be hurt by this awful citizen!

Suave: My lord, things like that can happened, I'm sure your father will be better soon! You will see! He just need a lot of rest! That's all! (Looks Fallacy). Right Sir Fallacy?

Fallacy: ...

Suave: (Gulp, worried). S-Sir Fallacy?

Fallacy: ...

Jasper: (Shocked and sobs). F-Father! N-No! No... (Voice trembling). No it's only a b-bad joke hehe! Nice o-one F-Father... (Screams and cry). FATHEERR!! FALLACY!! NO!! YOU CAN'T! YOU CAN'T BE-

Suave: (Sadly). Jasper... He is- ...

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