Another guest in the Castle! (PART 1)

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POV Fallacy:

Encre seems lost in his mind, what is he thinking about? I look at his cheek... now because of me he will have a scar, I need to calm down, Encre is right, why I wanted to slam Jasper after all? I hesitate but finally I decide to pose my hand on his.

Fallacy: Encre? Is everything alright?

Encre: (Looks at Fallacy and smiles). Yes I am Fallacy, don't worry about me.

Fallacy: I would be always worried about you Encre. (Blushes a bit, surprise). I-I mean... (Removes his hand and looks away embarrassed). Forget it! I don't say anything!

Encre: (Blushes and nods gently). O-Okay...

I have a promise, what's wrong with me? I have to let these stupidities and to be more focus in my work. I just want Jasper and Him to be in security, it's to protect them that I do all of this.

POV Encre:

I don't know how to react to what he said, it makes me feel... I don't know in reality, I feel weird but special; I feel happy but embarrassed at the same time. It's almost... adorable but come from the King of Vampires it's really strange. I am hot again, I feel so dizzy.

Encre: (Falls in Fallacy's arms and breathe a bit heavily). Fallacy... I-I feel... (Closes his eyes).

Fallacy: (Worried). En-Encre?! (Touch his forehead). You have fever, I will call Suave and some governesses to take care of you. (Looks at him and makes their face closer). Encre...

Encre: (Opens his eyes). Fallacy, what are y-

Fallacy: Shh, stay quiet.

Mr Suave: (Enters and bow down). Sir Fallacy, we have a guest.

Fallacy: (Blushes a bit perturbed and lays down Encre and covers him). Who makes us the pleasure to come?

Mr Suave: Miss Harmony, Sir.

Fallacy: (Surprised). Excuse me, I think I don't hear you well...

Mr Suave: You hear exactly what I said.

Fallacy: Well! I will welcome her as it should, thank you Suave. Can you take care of Encre please? Call others governesses to help you but makes his fever fall.

Mr Suave: (Bow down). Right now, Sir Fallacy.

Fallacy: One last thing, during the time Harmony will stay here, makes sure that Encre doesn't go out of his room. (Go out of the room).

POV Fallacy:

Harmony?!... It's really not the moment to come... I hope it's not to fight because I am everything except in the mood to fight with her. I take a deep breathe, I feel her presence, she is already here. I open the door.

Fallacy: Harmony.

Harmony: (Smirks). Fallacy.

Fallacy: Hope you will forgive me if I said that it's not a pleasure to see you again.

Harmony: I forgive you Fallacy, because it's reciprocal.

Fallacy: So why are you here.

Harmony: (Enters). We have to talk about business.

Fallacy: (Closes the door). I don't want to make any business with you.

Harmony: Oh, ouch! (Poses her hands on her bosom). You hurt my fragile heart.

Fallacy: Since when you have one?

Harmony: AH! You are right. To be honest, I missed you.

Fallacy: I am not like before Harmony, I changed, and you know it.

Harmony: Yes it's true, since you have Jasper you changed, heh, it's ironic because you never wanted to have a child Fallacy. I know you more than anyone in this castle! Even more than your stupid Suave.

Fallacy: It's false, the only one who know me more than anyone it's Him.

Harmony: (Smiles, amused). Him? You aren't serious Fally'! You mean the citizen to whom you have erased his memory? So he doesn't remember who you are for him? Please, let me laugh.

Fallacy: It's Fallacy! Now tell me, EXACTLY, what do you want?

Harmony: You have the North of the forest and I have the South. Why we don't make an agreement?

Fallacy: How?

Harmony: A wedding.

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