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[To Naruto] A ninja must see underneath the underneath.

[To Zabuza] talking about the Lighting Blade I will show you my own move.

[Thinking] If I'm still sane by the time I finish their training it'll be a miracle!

[Regarding Sasuke] They say that the nail that sticks up is the one that gets hammered down.

[To Naruto] Don't look away...When you live like a Shinobi, this is how it ends.

[To Sasuke] Let it go, you've got to forget about revenge. Believe me, in this work I've met a lot of guys who feel the way you do. Trust me, for those who follow the path of revenge, it never ends well. You'll only tear yourself apart and even if you succeed with your revenge, what would you have then... nothing, emptiness.

[To Sasuke] I've been around longer than you have kid. And I've had my share of troubles. You are not the only one who knows how it feels to lose somebody. So, it looks like neither of us have lived a charmed live exactly, have we?. Still. We're not all that bad off. At least you and I have been lucky to find new comrades to feel the void. Anyway, I do know how you feel.

[To Team 7] YOU!...pass!

[To Yugao, about Obito's name engraved in the Memorial Stone] This place makes me think about the mistakes I've made in the past... and I've made so many of them.

[When his students treat him to ramen to get him to remove his mask] Maybe it'll snow...No! Or are you guys hiding something?

[To Naruto] You can't kill the client, Naruto. It doesn't work that way.
I never let my comrades die.

[When he sees an advertisement for "Make Out Paradise: The Movie] My favorite going to be a movie? I'd better buy my tickets in advance!

[To Obito, In Kakashi Gaiden] Whether you hate me or not, I'm the leader. If the team is scattered, there's only one leader. Therefore, you must follow the instructions of the commander. Obito, you haven't got any strength. Because of that, I'm the leader.

[To Obito, In Kakashi Gaiden] To abandon your duty is not courageous. Below the courageous, there is nothing. Those are the previous Hokage's words.

[Talking to Inari about Naruto] He's always trying his best to get people to acknowledge him...For that dream, he'd risk his life at anytime...He's probably sick and tired of crying, He knows what it really means to be strong. Just like your father.

[After pinning Sasuke to a tree] Sorry, I knew you wouldn't want to sit still for a lecture, so, I figured I'd have to pin you down.

[To Kakuzu] The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of those never-ending cycles in life.

[To Pain] The people from this village are different from your average village. Even if it means dying, there's not a single one of us, who would sell out a comrade.

[To himself regarding Sasuke] Now i know how the Third Hokage must have felt.

[To Sasuke] Sasuke, I don't like to repeat myself, but I'll say this one more time, you must forget about revenge.

[To Sasuke] Sasuke, you're more than just your clan, you're more than just hatred. Look deep inside your heart once more.

[To Iruka] You can not open the mind of another if you do not have an open mind yourselves.

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