Kakashi's Sharingan

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Just as Kakashi is about to make the finishing blow, a flash of silver struck Zabuza body and he fell down apparently dead. Then from the Shadows a young boy appears named Haku appears claiming he is Kirigakure Anbu and that Zabuza was a rouge ninja from his clan. Haku then went onto explain that he would have to take the body as it contained secrets that only the Kirigakure could have, As Naruto went to argue, Kakashi passed out tired from overusing the Sharingan. Later after some rest Kakashi did not trust what Haku had said about Zabuza body. He explains that some medical ninjas can use needles to make it look as if someone had died when they where still alive. So he sets out training Team 7 to better control the Chakra. Naruto and Sasuke both found the training hard and it was Naruto that first asked for help. The two of them set about trying to beat the other and by the end of the week they had all mastered the training.

While protecting Tazuna, Team 7 where once again confronted by Zabuza and this time Haku. Naruto was not at the scene and was back resting up from the last days training. When he awoke he rushed off to the bridge but not before stopping a bunch of thugs from attack the family that had looked after them. Back at the bridge Zabuza had learned much from his first encounter with Kakashi and changed his attack pattern and used sneak attacks to strike at Kakashi preventing him from using his eye technique , Zabuza enjoyed watching Haku beating Sasuke and mentioned to Kakashi how there was no escape from this attack, Kakashi replied with "You forget something" just then a loud noise broke the scene as Naruto entered the battle and aided Sasuke, During this battle Naruto unleashed the power of the nine tails for the first time and almost beat Haku, but Haku left the fight as Kakashi. summoned the ninja hounds Kakashi pin pointed Zabuza and the dogs pinned him allowing Kakashi to use his most dangerous and famous attack the song of a thousand birds (Chidori), a lightning based attack. But just as Kakashi went to strike the final blow he was once again stopped by Haku who used his own body to block the attack.

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