Lovely (ch 6)

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"Hey! Excuse me! What are you doing?" I called walking quickly to the tree.

The person went up onto the first branch then climbed until they were covered my the leaves. I ran over to see who was climbing my tree and no one was there. I'm serious. I looked up the tree and there wasn't anyone up there. I climbed up half way and looked around, whoever had climbed up disappeared.

I sat on the bottom branch in shock of what I just witnessed. What the hell could've happened? Did the person like fly away? Did I not see them climb back down?

"Lola?" I heard someone call. I jumped down from the branch to see if it was the person who went up the tree but it was Austin.

"Austin tell me I'm not crazy." I sighed.

"Let me hear what you have to say first." he said walking over to me. He tucked his hands in the front pockets.

"I saw someone by the tree so I went to go see who it was and they climbed the tree and when I got there and looked up no one was there!" I said glancing between Austin and the tree.

Austin just gave me a hard look and didnt say anything.

"Oh great, I am crazy." I sighed rubbing my face with my hand.

"Come on it must've been your imagination. Lets go to my house, oh and I have a surprise." he said taking my hand.

"What?" I asked as he pulled me through the meadow.

"My dads home." he smiled widely.

Austin had told me not too long ago while we were up in the tree that his dad was in the army so I guess it's a blessing he came back. But Austin is American so I'm assuming his dad is in the American army?

I hugged Austin. "Wow, that's great Austin!" I peeked.

"Yeah I haven't seen him in over 2 years. It's great that he gets to meet you though." Austin smiled.

"So your dad is in the American army?" I couldn't help but ask as we reached the end of the meadow.

"No, Canadian. He and me mom met when they were 20 and he came to America to do some training and my mom had moved to New York for University and that is where they met. They named me Austin because my mom was from Austin, Texas. But my dad is from here so my mom decided after 17 years that we should move here. But my parents aren't married." he said quickly.

Okay so he is 17.

We reached Redden Street and started walking towards the end.

"Oh so your mom? I should call her what?" I asked.

"She goes by Mrs.Jackson even though they aren't married, she still took the name." he informed as we pulled up to a big white house.

Yup his last name is Jackson.

"Wow your place looks big!" I exclaimed walking up the driveway. Austin's face reddened a bit as we got to the front door. He opened it and showed me in. I took my shoes off and followed him into the kitchen.

"Lola, Hi!" his mother said hugging me as soon as she saw me.

"Hi Mrs.Jackson." I said hugging back.

A tall man with green eyes as minty as Austin's and light brown hair walked over to me and stuck out his hand.

"Nice to meet you Lola, so you're Austin's friend?" he said smiling shaking my hand.

"Yup." I said shaking back.

"Lola we're having chili for dinner, I hope you're alright with that." she said stirring a pot on the stove.

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