Chapter 1

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NOTE: This fic takes place before the apocolypse. Sam and Gabriel have never met prior to this either so this will be their first time meeting. Sam has also never met Castiel and Dean never met Lisa. Nothing but the plot is mine and if someone else has this idea then sorry I didn't know. I kind of thought it up while on the bus home today. Anywho enjoy.


(Gabriel's POV)

Night was begining to fade and the door creaked as I opened it. A familiar pain spread through my chest and I hunched over in pain, glad that I was alone. I couldn't imagine what the other angels would say if they found out. Once the pain finally eased I stepped out of the room and into the area beyond.

The other angels stood by a huge fountain pouring out water, and were talking about a major event that was going to be taking place in the near future. Two boys were supposed to be the center of it. All talking ceased when I made my way over and I eyed each of them, wondering what their conversation was about before. Who were the two boys and why did they stop talking about it when I got here?

I opened my mouth to ask just that but pain flared through my body and I couldn't help but double over. It was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. I squeezed my eyes shut as I hugged my stomach and fell to the ground letting out a groan. It hurt so much. Anna rushed over to my side and began asking a bunch of questions acting like the worried older sister he was. I would have laughed had I not been in so much pain.

Castiel walked over to me, a small, knowing smile playing on his face. He knelt down in front of me, tilting my head up and I glared at him with everything I had. I could hardly breathe and tears slid down my face. Castiel wiped one away and I mouthed for him to help. "Nothing can be done." he said as he got up. Anna flipped out. She screamed at him, and at me, and at everyone because there must have been something that could help me.

My head was pounding as a ringing filled my ears. I could no longer understand what they were saying so clearly and I was confused and scared. What was going on? Who is my soulmate and how can he withstand so much pain?

Anna screamed as she pointed at my ear. I slowly raised my hand to it and brought it in front of my eyes. Black. Why was there black coming from my ear? I sniffed it and nearly gagged. Demon. But how? How was this all connected and why did it have to be me?

A loud snap resounded and a blinding bright light flashed before disappearing with my father standing there with no trace of smoke or steam in his wake. Anna got up and stormed over to him asking questions as to what was going on and if I was okay, but instead of answering her, he just smiled at me. A smile that looked identical to Castiel's.

There was an odd twinkle about him but I couldn't place what it was about. Finally, Anna understood what was going on. "Oh is our little Gabriel in love? Or does he just have the soulmate part?" she asked before laughing her butt off. Dad turned and glared at her and suddenly she was quiet and I knew she wouldn't say anything else for the rest of the night.

Dad walked over to me and touched his fingers to my head, the way an angel would do it to a human to teleport them somewhere. Blinding light enveloped the both of us and suddenly I found myself in a white and blue room. Many people believe that the throne room of God was white and had clouds floating through them. They believed that every angel is in the room waiting for their duties.

This room was nothing like that. It was white and blue with two angel statues outside the doors to the room. The doors made of gold that reached the cieling which was miles above us like a cavern. There was no rug or huge person sitting among the throne. The throne was made of gold with a bright light reflecting off of it and he looked tiny in comparison to it. There were also shelves of notebooks and books in the room because he loved to write and read in his free time, which he had a lot of.

I felt so out of place here in this room because I was curled into a ball on the floor, probably making it dirty. I tried to stand but my knees buckled beneath me and I fell to the floor again. I looked around the room in bewilderment. Not many angels have actually seen him and even less have actually been in the throne room, yet here I was. Finally, when I couldn't stand making myself look at how out of place I was, I looked at him.

He was in his human vessel. Chuck... I think his name was. I tilted my head in confusion and he chuckled as he looked around. "I suppose it isn't what you were expecting was it?" I shook my head and he chuckled again. "You look confused... does it have anything to do with my vessel?" I nodded and when he didn't seem to answer the question on my mind I decided to speak up.

"W-why...?" I trailed off, startled by my voice. It wasn't that of an angel but deeper... one of a human. I looked up at him startled and he held up a hand telling me to wait. I gulped, looking down at myself to find that I was indeed in a vessel. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. Tried to calm the... what was it... it wasn't my grace... it was something else. My heart. I was trying to calm down my heart.

"Why?" I asked again and he chuckled.

"Because my son, you are the only one who can stop him."

"Stop who? Stop what?" I asked confused, still slightly shaken by my voice.

He just gave me one last knowing look before he waved his hand and a bright white light carried me away. Away from my father who I only just saw for the first time. Away from my family. Away from my home. Away from everything I've ever known into a world that I knew very little about.


NOTE: So I know I'm writing a lot of fanfictions at the moment. This is my sixth. I have a plan for this one as well as my Dramione story and my Merthur story. I have an idea for part of the Johnlock one but as for Destiel and Stydia I have no plan so if you could help me think of one or at least help me think of how to continue it I will be most grateful. Thank you.

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