Chapter 16

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I left Dean back on the car and went back to heaven. Gabe had been different lately. You could tell that he was happy for a while because he did random and dangerous stuff, but ever since Jess came back... he was a lot different.

He still joked around with Balthazar and he played pranks, but the smile never reached his eyes anymore. When he was done he would just go to his room and sit there, staring at the wall for hours on end.

It was heartbreaking to see how upset he was. I had never thpught Gabe would get so emotionally attached to someone in his lifetime... especially not if that someone was a person.

I looked around for Anna, hoping to find her so that we could talk about what to do. Instead, I bumped into Gabe who looked at me in shock. He looked really upset and so I ushered him to his room so we could talk in private.

"What happened?"

"Anna and I got in a fight. She was telling me that I needed to go back down there and get my man back and I tried telling her that he was never mine in the first place. That led to us arguing and afterwards I just decided to leave."

"Where is she?"

"Her place.

"Do you mind if I..." I started but he just shook his head and I left to go find her.

Her front door was was wide open and I could see her sitting at the edge of her bed, head in her hands.

I knocked gently on the door before coming in. She didn't even raise her head.

I looked around, marveling at how beautiful her place was. She had red walls with golden swirly designs, dancing across the wallpaper. The bed she sat on was a dark red and the blanket looked like it was made of velvet. There was a small mirror on the back wall that was surrounded in silver swirls.

I shook my head as I sat next to her. Now was not the time to be marveling about the decorations.

We sat in silence for a long while and I jumped slightly when she finally spoke.

"I feel like an ass." she sniffled. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to my chest as she cried. "I-I yelled at him. I knew he was h-hurting... and... and I pushed him. He... He... he snapped at me. I've never seen him so mad in my life. He... I hurt him more and w-we fought. T-then he glared at me... his voice had gone so quiet...and he was calm... deadly calm. I was scared... I-I think I broke him Cas. I..." she paused. "I've never seen him like that." she finished quietly.

"I know Anna. I know." I whispered.

We sat in silence once again as we thought about everything that had happened in the past couple of days.

"Why'd you come over?" she asked, pulling away from me. I frowned because I had forgotten why I came in the first place. I guess I was frowning too long because Anna started to look worried. "Cas... are you okay?"

I shook my head. "Yeah. Sorry... I had forgotten why I came and was trying to remember."


"Right... uh... well I talked to Dean earlier... we talked about... about Sam. He's... He's not doing well. We agreed we needed to do something about them. We... that's..." I paused, collecting my thoughts.

"That's why you came here. To talk about what we need to do to help them." It was more of a statement then a question but I nodded anyway.

"... I understand if you don't..."

"It's the best I could do. Hell, probably the only thing I could do." She said cutting me off.

"Well we should start brainstorming then." I grabbed a bunch of papers and we sat down, thinking about what to do. We threw ideas around for hours but nothing sounded good enough. I groaned loudly as I threw a wad of paper into the trash. I fell back onto the bed with a frustrated sigh and stared at the ceiling.

"This is going nowhere." Anna huffed lying down next to me. We sat in silence for a minute just thinking. Suddenly Anna sits up, knocking a bunch of papers and pens to the floor in the process.

"What?" I asked... eyes wide.

"What if we...."

NOTE: Sorry if this chapter was too short guys. I had a great idea on how to end this but I couldn't figure out how to lengthen the story. I hope you enjoyed though. Also... I am thinking about writing and IT fic with Richie and Eddie being the main couple... I'm just wondering if I should do first person or third person point of view for the fic. Thank you for reading and I'll try to get the next chapter up soon.

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