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"Ahhhh there she is. My beautiful daughter." My father said while opening his arms for me to go towards him so he can introduce me to the new writer and reintroduce me to his boss.

I walked to my father and smiled towards the guest as he placed his hand lightly on my lower back.

"Hello," I smiled brightly while stretching out my hand to shake both of their hands.

"Alexandria, wow, you've grown up into a fine woman."  My father's boss said while giving me a firm shake back.

I smiled a thank you to him while reaching for our neighbor, who also seems to be the new writer's, hand. My hand is engulfed by his larger one. I felt how soft but firm it was. His eyes found mine, and the intensity that flowed from them was so intense that some would have probably found it uncomfortable, but I found myself intrigued. I pulled away with a small smile and turned to my mother.

"Mother, do you need any help setting the table?" I asked not wanting to be near the writer longer than I had to.

"No, honey, I already have gone and done that, but it is time for dinner. So if you would do kindly join us at our dinner table." She said while guiding our guests to their seats.

I took in the sight of my father sat at the head of the table with me and my mother on his sides. They always have a way of exuding elegance. My mother had long since brought out the lemon garlic roast chicken with assorted vegetables and mash potatoes. With everything in place, we all dig into the delicious meal my mother made.

The meal goes on as most do with light banter and mouths filled. At some point, the writer asks me to pass him something from his place beside me and I shyly comply.

After everyone was almost finished my father decided to start a conversation. "So Mr. Stein what brings you to our small town?"

"Please, call me Scott." The new writer corrects. "And I was born and raised in this little old town. I just felt like it was time to go back to my roots."

"Oh you're from here that's interesting. Has the town changed since you last lived here?" My mother piped in.

"Yes, the town has changed in the slightest with the newest shops and such, but other than that everything seems to be pretty much the same." He explained. "Even the house I just moved back into."

"You grew up in that house?" his boss askes from across Scott.

"Yes my parents, my siblings, and me." He finished.

"That's quite amazing. I remember my wife and I were looking for a small, quiet area, and then my cousin caught wind if this town. She said it was perfect to raise a little girl and so we checked it out and next thing you know we moved out here. Eighteen years later here she is. Smart, kind, and most of all beautiful as ever." My father said proudly.

I'm my father's pride and joy, and he never fails to show it. I am everything he ever wanted in a child. I felt my cheeks go red with heat from all the flattery.

"Father please," I say while looking down trying to bring my hair to my face.

"It's true, Alex, you have grown to be a beautiful woman." My fathers boss said, and I looked up to him and sent him a shy thank you, and while looking away I catch Scott's curious eyes.

I instantly turned down but could feel his curious gaze on me before he turned away.

"So Alex, how is school going?" My father asks.

"Good I have this new school project where I have to find someone not related to me who does something interesting and write about it." I briefed them about my school project.

"Do you know who you're going to do it on?" My mother asked.

"No, not yet I still have to find someone."

"Oh, well it's just a thought, but why don't you use our guest here. He's actually a pretty big name up in the city. You'd have the best one. An actual celebrity." My father's boss suggested.

"Oh I wouldn't wan-" I started but was cut off by my father.

"Yes, Alex that is a great idea." He turned to me with a smile.

"Oh yeah of course but father I don't think he would be ok-"

"I wouldn't mind," I was cut off by Scott. " Of course only if you would have me as your subject."

I was put in an uncomfortable situation, and I didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to be my subject because that would force me to be with him longer then I would like. I mean come on I don't even know the guy. Deep down I know he's probably not a bad person, but he gives me a weird feeling. One I've never felt before. I am fine with not exploring that feeling his look gives me, but I know that I can't turn him down. I can't be anything but polite and play along with whatever my parents have planned out for me.

"Of course I would be honored. Thank you." I say with a tight smile.

After some time it was over and I was helping my mother bring the dishes into the kitchen. My father was in the living room speaking with his coworkers bidding them goodbye. My mother and I were called into the room. I stood off to the side behind my mother.

"Good night, and thank you for having us over." My father's boss and Scott said while hugging and kissing us goodbye.

I went to hug Scott and held my breath. I felt that this was all just a bad idea that would end in disaster.

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