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So I ask myself for the millionth time, How did I get here. Where was here exactly? 'Here' is in the middle of a sweaty house filled with intoxicated teens. I told myself I wasn't going to come, but Stella is very persistent. Now when you add Jules and her boyfriend both begging me to join them tonight, of course, I had no other choice than to say yes.

"Hey Stella baby, you got princess perfect out from her high towers?" A girl with hair tips painted blue and an extra amount of makeup said to Stella after placing a big mouthed kissed on her lips.

"Ha ha" I mocked Briella.

Briella was this girl from the private school a town over. She was once in school with us, but when her parents saw that she was becoming a handful they decided to ship her off to a private school where they would only have to deal with her on the holidays. She is this loud, outgoing, and carefree girl that honestly if you looked passed the annoying outer layer which I often had trouble looking past, she was an amazing person. Briella was the type of person you could tell anything to for the sole reason that she would keep it with her till death and give you amazing advice. She was the most honest person I had ever met which meant that there was no bullshit in between her and who ever she surrounds herself with. I think she's a perfect match for my best friend Stella (even if I hated being around her for more then ten minutes at a time.) I only want the best for my best friend and I think Briella and Stella would benefit from one another in amazing ways. Even if their names said together makes you roll your eyes.

"Baby stop it let's try not to annoy Alex the first ten minutes of her being here. I had to pull a lot of strings to get her here." Stella explained.

Briella took Stell into her arms and held her close as she nodded while she compromised, "Only if you come home with me tonight and only me."

Stella's only reply was a large smile before bouncing into another kiss. Some might find so much PDA disgusting, and I do too, but it also saddens me. I know that these two have always liked one another, but refuse to make it anything more than just friends with some occasional benefits. When I had last asked Stella to explain she only replied with a shrug and a quick change in subject. Even worse, when the topic is brought up around Briella she only scoffs before leaving the situation physically. The only thing I can confirm is that the situation had to do with both parents and Briella's older brothers.

Whatever the reason, they still were currently stuck side to side at this moment which meant that I currently rather be anywhere else but here. I actually don't even want to be at this entire party. I notice my chance to escape and take it swiftly by following the flow of the traffic into the kitchen leaving the two birds kissing. The kitchen was full of teenagers talking to one another. Girls rubbing up against the football players, and a few couples in the corners making out as if it were their last chance to kiss one another.

I just rolled my eyes and opened the refrigerator that I had to shove past two people shooting googly eyes at one another. My only defense being why stand in front of the fridge at a party if you don't want to be disturbed? I found some orange juice behind a few beer bottles. I took it out and served myself some into a plastic cup definitely not wanting to drink anything alcoholic tonight. I need to focus on a plan to get myself out of here. Which seemed slightly impossible with the fact that I was a good few blocks away from my house, and I had no car.

Yes, if you just thought to yourself that I had a shitty situation to dig myself out of, then you are correct. I always seem to place myself in weird situations. With a sigh, I took a gulp of the orange juice only to have a sour taste slam against my taste buds.

It was spiked.

Why wouldn't it be? I was at a party for god's sake. I wanted to gag but chose to just scrunch up my face in displeasure. I felt a body shoving me causing me to turn my attention to the person rather than my drink.

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