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"So why didn't you tell me you were a professional rollerblader?" Micheal asked while getting out of his car to walk me to my front door.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I laughed at his reaction waiting for him at the hood of his car.

He laughed and I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh. Leaning against the hood of his car sounded way better than going inside at the moment. He followed suit and went to sit beside me only to bump my hip. A laugh escaped my lips as I went to bump him back. 

His gaze fell to the floor as if he was trying to hide the growing smile on his lips. I looked away from him leaving with a smile to match his. I felt his shoulder press up against me and I couldn't help the small skip my heart made. 

Micheals hand brushed mine for only a moment. My breath hitched, and next thing I know his hand holds mine. His fingers wrap tightly around my knuckles. His palm against my very own. He brought my hand closer to himself silently playing with my knuckled and fingers. As if stuck in a trance, I rest my head against his shoulders and watch as he fiddles with my fingers. 

"You have pretty fingers." He mumbles.

"Thanks?" I chuckle.

"You're just pretty in general. Breathtaking really." He says in an almost whisper. 

"Stop I hate compliments." I hide my face in his shoulder hoping to conceal as much of my reddened cheeks from him.

With a heart-stopping screech, our small moment was over. I jumped a foot away from Micheal's body looking up only to find Scott in his car with an annoyed look on his face. I realize that  Scott's driveway was being blocked by Micheal's car, and instantly my heart sunk as the dread of what happened last night broke through whatever fog Micheal had created and flooded my broken heart. I looked at Micheal and he sent me an apologetic smile as he quickly made his way to the drivers' side. He turned to say something to me and was silenced by another one of Scott's horn.

I just shook my head and mouthed an apology as he got in and drove away. With a scowl, I stomped over my walkway and made my way to the front door fuming at what just happened. I reached for my bag and started rummaging angrily for the keys that seemed to be hiding from me. I huffed in annoyance and resorted to ringing the doorbell for my parents to open the door. 

"They left earlier. Probably to Jackson for the company's presentation." Scott said from his porch.

I stopped ringing and just stood at my door glaring a hole into it. He was right, and it all came back to me. The memory of my parents reminding me to take my keys because they wouldn't be here after school. How could I forget them in my locker? I wasn't usually this forgetful. They always went away for my dad's job and yet all of a sudden I forget my key left and right.

"Your parents texted me to ask if I could invite you over for dinner." He shouted again. "So if you're hungry then dinner is Chinese take out and it tastes better warm." 

With a huff, I walked over to his walkway and followed him inside. He set everything up for us while I watched from the counter in the kitchen that just a few hours ago he had slammed a glass from. 

"Hey, Alex I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, and that was immature of me to allow you to see that."

I just nodded my head not in the mood to talk to him and started thinking about where I was going to sleep to the night. He handed me a plate and a set of disposable chopsticks for me to use. 

"Grab whatever you like." He nodded his head and started serving himself from the pre-opened boxes.


I sat in the living room ignoring Scott with every bone in my body. He seemed to be taking the opposite approach by 'accidentally' brushing against my arm. Honestly, I'm not sure how I ended up sat beside him pressed firmly against muscular arm but I knew that I needed to find a way out of it instantly.

"So what did you do today with that guy friend of yours?" He broke the silence between us.

I just sat watching the tv blindly taking in the scenes unfolding creating an invisible wall in between us.

"Is he your boyfriend? He was your date on the night of the ball." He pestered.

I rolled my eyes and stood up moving towards his bathroom. He seemed to get the hint and just sunk into his couch. My body decided to wander his home instead of waiting it out in the bathroom. I've been here enough to know where every door leads, but I have yet to see what is behind them. 

I seemed to float upstairs silently like a breath and following my gut leading me down the hallway to the very last door. My fingers grasped the cold handle and turned exposing whatever was inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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