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Pounding headaches and back pain are not a fun thing to wake up with. Warm, soft, divine scented sheets are a wonderful thing to wake up to. Now when you mix both things you get a confused Alex that doesn't want to open her eyes from the pain that is to come from the light shining through the window. Now, here is the interesting thing I've smelled this scent before, and it's really strange that I would smell this scent in my very room. It Is also strange that there Is so much light coming into my room because never is it this bright.

Allowing curiosity to over take my pain, I crack one eye open and see that I'm not in my room, but on a couch in a living room. I also take notice of the hint of coffee mingled in the air, but not before it hits me that I am in Scott's living room. Now this seems interesting. How did I get from the party to Scott's Home?

"She's alive I see." A husky voice breaks my concentration pulling it towards the walkway heading towards the kitchen where Scott was just emerging from.

I watched him as he walked over to me with a mug in one hand a small glass in the other and a bottle, of what seemed to be pills, in between his body and arm. I bit my bottom lip more confused than ever, but also from the pulsing pain currently in my head. I sat up slowly as to not throw up my insides already feeling the nausea hit me.

How much did I drink last night? Why did I drink so much? I am most defiantly not one to drink like this. If I think too hard about it then a wretched pain shoots through my skull, so I leave well alone and just continue to follow Scott with my eyes as he sits down on the coffee table in front of the couch I was currently inhabiting.

"Here take these it's gonna help with the headache you most likely have." He sighs while handing me the cup of water, and then follows through with opening the pill bottle.

I follow suit with his instructions, and he then hands me a cup of coffee which I greedily take a sip from. After a few sips my head pain starts to slowly null enough for me to talk, but still present enough for me to notice.

"Why... am I here?" I croak only to then let out a deep cough to clear my clogged vocal cords.

"That is a good question, and one I would like the answer to as well. You showed up at my door step last night at around 2 in the morning, before forcing yourself inside and falling asleep before I could walk you over to your house." He explained.

I just node at his words trying to remember what he had said for myself, and I do in small snips and bits. Some of it being me shoving him to the side, and then being in his arms, and then settling myself against his chest finding it to be the most comfortable thing in the world in that moment.

"So... why did you end up on my door step in the middle of the night? Better question why were you in the state you were in last night? If you need any type of help with your mental state then please let me know so that I can try and help you or at least find help for you." He started going off jumping to conclusions.

"No, don't worry it was a one time thing. My friends talked me into going to this school party, and I probably just got carried away with Micheal and his friends." I flood my words out at once trying my best to explain myself to him hoping he won't think any less of me.

"I'm sorry, and excuse me if I miss interpreted what you have just said, but you allowed Micheal and his friends to take advantage of you?!" He asked with a look of deep concern filling into his face.

I could just imagine the scenarios he thought up in his head before I scrambled out to say, "No, I mean we started playing a party game. I just got lost in the whole atmosphere."

"Your friends also seem to be terrible to force you into doing something you obviously know better than doing; or rather, I thought you had. What type of friends do you have? Did one of them even care enough to bring you home?" A flux of words seemed to spill out of his mouth with no end near.

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