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I looked up from his cup, and a thought came to my mind. This is a perfect time to question him. Since I am already here.

"Hey, Mr. Stein-" I started but was cut off.

"Scott, please call me Scott. Go on." He queued me to continue.

"Oh yes I'm sorry um Scott, can I ask more questions this time maybe we can be a bit more canon?" I suggested.

"Sure. Do you need me to grab your bag from the foyer?" He asked.

I shook my head before taking out my phone and hitting record on the voice recorder app. He watched me place it on the table and began by stating the date and time.

"So tell me more about your life as a writer. How did it happen? What do you write about?" I started with a few simple question starters.

I felt a strange flutter in the pit of my stomach as he glanced down at his cup then back up at me. His eyes had a sort of playful darkness inside of them and his lips sat at a half smirk. I cleared my throat and start to adjust myself in my seat hoping he hadn't noticed what I was doing.

"Well as a teenager I have always loved to write about things that seemed relevant to how I felt in that time of my life. An example would be my first book which was about falling in love with someone, and how much fun and yet how terrifyingly thrilling it was to fall for another person. That's when I was also foolish enough to fall in love. Now my next few books are slightly different. They are a bit darker than my first, and I mean the last two I have released really took my name and shot it into most peoples hands. I was going through a pretty bad break up. I was at the time of writing it, broken. It's pretty funny how people can find a home in a book full of sadness." He explained to me.

" I really wasn't in a place where I should be alone, but that's all I wanted at the time. It's never good to hold in such emotions so my only outlet was what I had always done, and the only way I knew how to breathe, and that was writing."

I sat down in thought to his words. To have been so broken that all they wanted was to be alone. It's pretty insane how he became so famous through his sadness. 

"People like to romanticize sadness. They feed off of a poetical ending, and I think that's what I was looking for when I was writing my stories. I never got that poetical ending with this girl I once loved so fully with my heart. We just ended. She walked away from me and I couldn't do anything about it. My feelings were wasted and there was no such thing as destiny. Just two broken humans."

I sat on the edge of my seat listening to his every word. I was captivated by his words of sadness as I guess most of his readers are. I felt this sudden need to just reach over and touch his shoulder and make sure he knows that it's okay. That he made it through the pain, but I knew deep inside that he was over the pain and that he really didn't need me to do that. I knew that I shouldn't but it was hard to go against my instinct to comfort him.

I coughed the thought out of me and fixed myself in my seat again re-straightening my back and looking anywhere but his face, because right now looking into his face would mean me being venerable to him and his looks of sorrow.

"So do you like any of my work?" He broke the silence again.

"Oh no. I never seemed interested in any of them. My friends, however, love your work." rushing out the part about my friends only in hopes to cover the fact that I haven't read his work.

"Oh wow you're doing a paper about me and you haven' read any of my work?" He asked with interest leaning his body closer to mine.

I coughed in embarrassment. "I mean I just never had a chance to get my hands on one of your works."

"You're friends have copies you just mentioned." He smirked playfully.

"Yeah, *cough* but I just-" I started to stumble over my words.

He saved me from my own embarrassment and started to say "Don't worry I don't really care if you read my work. I just assumed you had."

I sigh in response and he just chuckles.
"You probably thought I'd be a crazed fan wanting to know the scoop." I joked.
"Honestly, the thought crossed my mind, but from the way you act around me I knew you weren't." He admitted before a moment of silence shifted between us.

"So your girlfriend, why would she leave you? If you don't mind me asking." I rushed out trying to keep the subjects rolling.

"We both wanted different things, and that's about all I am willing to say about her." He ended coldly.

After that, we both sat quietly in comfortable silence. I glanced up at him and the scowl never left his face. Whoever this girl was really hurt him. I wouldn't know how that felt like. To love someone so much only to have that one person you never would have imagined to be the one to bring you the most pain.

I've never really felt anything for anyone. I've always loved my mother and father, but I have never felt anything of attraction towards anyone. I'm not oblivious, I can easily tell when I find someone attractive, but I have never felt attraction towards anyone. That attraction where I would want to make them more than an acquaintance let alone a friend. I just was never the girl that wanted that.


My phone rang through the air breaking our silence and startling me out of my thoughts. I moved to grab my phone from the middle of the table and answered it once I saw that it was my mother.

"Hey, were home sweetie." She informed me.

"I'll be there in a moment. Bye, mom." I hung up the phone before turning back to Scott and moving to stand.

"My parents are home now so I guess I should get going." 

"I guess time flies when you're having fun huh." He half-heartedly jokes also standing with me. "I'll send over your clothes when it's dry."

I nodded before interjecting, "I can pick it up when I come back for my next round of questions."

"Oh okay perfect. Have a nice night Alex." He said while opening his front door to let me out.

I walked passed him and sent him a tight smile. I waved as I grabbed a hold of my bag's handle absentmindedly digging the fabric deep into my hand while walking down his path and over to mine. He was inside before I reached my home, and I felt the tight smile leave my face, and this weird feeling sticking onto my stomach walls. What a strange day.

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