Part One| The First Dream

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      A gift of sorts for oneygays ~

      DD was in a large room, a faint music playing in the distance. It was completely dark. He felt his way around the room, trying to find where the music was coming from. He trailed his fingers against the wall, and...
       His fingers rested against a doorknob. He twisted it- it was unlocked. As the door opened, light and sound flooded his senses, revealing a room filled with people dancing and talking. A masquerade ball... But DD didn't have a mask, or so it seemed. He walked in anyways, weaving his way through the crowd. He wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he was sure he needed to find it.
     As he wandered around the unfamiliar room, a hand grabbed his, and he was pulled close to another figure. Suddenly, he was dancing with this strange person.
"Looking for something?" The man- so he assumed- asked him quietly. DD wasn't sure how he heard the murmur so well in the midst of such loud music.
"I... I think so. But I don't know what." The shorter man laughed, pulling DD closer to him. He was wearing a mask covered in feathers and jewels.
"Could it be that you were looking for me?" DD blushed.
"I assume that could be a possibility..." He looked around, and... they were alone. How didn't he notice that before? The shorter man was getting closer... He smelled like coffee and smoke. DD closed his eyes and leaned in, their lips were just about to touch, and then....
    DD woke up in his small apartment, facing the grey ceiling. His heart was beating quickly, his face a deep shade of red. What the hell? DD had some dreams like that in the past, but never about a guy. Strange. He could still smell the coffee and smoke that the other man practically radiated. How oddly specific... DD got up, getting ready to go to the recording studio. He gathered his things, pausing over his sketchbook. After a moment of consideration, he grabbed it, walking out of his small apartment to go face the world for another day.

Boy Of My Dreams//Ding Dong and JulianWhere stories live. Discover now