Part Five| Recollections

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    DD just kinda stared at Julian with wide eyes, and Julian returned the same look to him. How the hell was this happening? This felt like some supernatural shit. Julian cleared his throat after a few moments of awkward silence and spoke up.
"So.. what were your dreams like?"
DD felt a blush spread across his cheeks. What if his dreams were more... romantic than Julian's? That would be probably the most embarrassing thing he's ever experienced- not to mention that would mean he couldn't come here to get coffee anymore. But... he had to tell him. There was no other option.
"W-well... it starts out in a dark room. In the first one, we met in a lighter room where a party was happening, and-" he let in a sharp breath. "And... we almost kissed, and then I woke up." He looked to see if Julian was disgusted with him yet, but he just listened with a light shade of red dusted across his cheeks. DD cleared his throat and continued.
"In the second dream, we were in the dark room again, but... we stayed there. And then you got close to me, and... w-we kissed. It wasn't extreme or anything! Just... soft. It was nice." DD took a sip of his coffee. Julian didn't seem grossed out by his dreams, and he... smiled? Yeah, Julian smiled and ran a hand through his mass of dark curls. "Oh. Well.. that's not bad at all!"
DD raised his eyebrows. "What were your dreams like?"
Julian looked timid. "Oh.. uh.. I don't think you wanna hear..."
"Of course I do!"
"No, you really don't..!"
"Julian!!" DD placed his hands on Julian's shoulders before he could process it in his mind, and now they were close. Very close. DD could practically taste his breath- coffee and smoke. Huh. DD quickly took his hands away and looked to a picture hanging on the wall, trying to ignore the very obvious blush on Julian's face.
"I- I do want to hear about your dreams. And I promise I won't hate you for it."
"Yes!! Now just tell me, the suspense is killing me."
Julian looked at the lanky boy sitting across from him for a moment before he looked at his lap, his eyes staying there as he told his story.
"W-well... I was at work. And you walked in, just like any other day- except it was late at night, we were about to close. You looked really frazzled, like you had been working for a long time. A-and..." Julian paused, and DD waved him on to continue. "Well... I-I offered to walk you home after I closed up the shop. You agreed, and we walked to your home together. You told me about yourself- how you program games and things- and I said I was an illustrator, and you said that was really cool. We got to your house, and... it started pouring. Like- really bad rain. You said I could stay the night, and before I knew it, we were kissing... a lot." Julian looked very, very embarrassed. "L-like, leaving marks and stuff. But that's as far as I can remember." DD stared at Julian, his face feeling as hot as the goddamn sun. "Julian... do you wanna do that in real life?"

(So sorry for the wait!! I had like zero inspiration)

Boy Of My Dreams//Ding Dong and JulianWhere stories live. Discover now