Part Three| The Second Dream

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DD was alone again- or so he could assume. He was once again in a dark room... It was cold. Very cold. He followed the walls- there were no doors this time.
"Hello?" He whispered. "Is anyone there?" He heard someone gasp from the other side of the room.
"DD? Is that you?" DD smiled. It must be the man from last night!
"Yeah, it's me!" He walked over to the other side of the room where he heard the voice, and a pair of arms were wrapped around his waist.
"It's good to see you again, DD..."
"You can't see me."
"Well... it's good to feel you again." Then, things changed from the previous night. The man hugging his waist leaned up and gently kissed DD, their lips barely touching. DD shivered, trying to get more from his unknown partner, but the kiss stayed soft and chaste. DD whispered in between pecks.
"C-can you at least tell me your name?" The other man laughed quietly, a noise DD was quickly becoming fond of.
"Not yet. That's something you have to find out on your own." DD reached down to feel the man's face. He had facial hair, just as he remembered.
"Can I at least see your face?"
"Not yet.. maybe next time." He pecked DD on the lips one last time.
"I'll see you tomorrow, pretty boy."
DD woke up with a grin the next morning. He tasted just like he smelled- smoke and coffee.

     DD practically skipped to work that day. He was... happy. He didn't understand why these dreams about a man he didn't even know were affecting him so much, but he didn't mind. It was making him happy. And that's all that mattered- except that Chris noticed.
DD was drawing this man everywhere, or at least what he assumed him to look like. Curly, long-ish hair, a bit of stubble, short and kinda chubby. He seemed... cute. Really cute. After a few hours of covering his desk with possible looks of his partner, Chris walked up to him.
"Drawing the partner from your wet dreams again?"
DD blushed. "They're not wet dreams! He's just... my boyfriend..? In a different world, I guess.." Chris snickered.
"You know, you can't make up people in your dreams." Chris picked up one of DD's drawings. "You know this guy in real life."
DD's eyes widened, standing up.
"... then I need to find him."

Boy Of My Dreams//Ding Dong and JulianWhere stories live. Discover now