Part Two| Coffee

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    After a certainly stressful car ride to Chris's apartment, DD gathered his things and walked up to the building, ringing the doorbell for Chris to unlock the door. After hearing a few curses and the sound of Chris scrambling around, the door opened.
"Hey, DD. You ready to do some editing?" DD looked up and down Chris's apartment.
"Your place looks like garbage."
"Shut up." DD stepped inside, tiptoeing over various clothes and papers.
"Jesus Christ, do you ever clean?" Chris snickered.
"Only when important people come over."
"I hate you." DD walked over to the computer, opening up his editing programs.
"I had a really weird dream last night." Chris grinned like an idiot. "Tell me about it."
DD put on his headphones and got started on the editing. "Well, I was in an empty room, and then I was in a different room where a party was going on? But anyways, I started dancing with this guy and we almost kissed. He smelled like coffee, that's all I can remember about him."
Chris snorted. "That's gay as hell, man."
"Shut up!!"
       After a few hours of editing, DD put his stuff away. Chris was asleep on the couch, so he took out his sketchbook. He wasn't as good at art as Chris, but maybe he could remember what this guy looked like from sketching him out. He grabbed a pen and sketched out the body first- he was shorter than DD, and he was a bit chubbier. He had dark brown hair, and... DD chewed on the end of the pen. What else?
     He remembered he had a beard, and.. maybe a mustache? He sketched it out, but it still just didn't seem right. Oh, wait! He had a mask! He sketched out the mask, covered in feathers and jewels- definitely something DD would never wear. He put the drawing away and left a note for Chris that he finished his work. He left quietly, opting to get some coffee for himself and Chris. He knew the guy who worked at the coffee shop pretty well, they were close acquaintances. It was within walking distance, and he needed to stretch his legs anyways from sitting so long.
     As DD walked in the shop, a chirping voice met his ears.
"Hello sir! Welcome to Z's espresso!" DD waved hello at the familiar man at the counter. Julian, he remembered his name was.
"Hey, can I get a large latte and a medium green tea?"
"Of course! What's the name?"
"Uh, DD."
"Okay, I'll call you over when it's done!~"
DD nodded a thanks and sat down at a table, checking his phone. What a friendly guy..
     After a few minutes of waiting, the guy behind the counter-Julian, that's right- chirped up.
"A large latte and a medium green tea for DD!" DD got up and got his drinks, paying for them.
"Thanks.." Julian winked.
"It's my pleasure!" DD blushed a bit and walked out with his drinks. He looked at the side of one of the cups, which read "Dee-Dee <3".
DD tilted his head, smiling a little. He seemed nice.
      Once he got back to Chris's place, he was already awake, and... looking at DD's drawing. Chris looked at him and smirked. "This the guy from your dream? He seems cute." DD rolled his eyes.
"Whatever, I'm not gay. And it's not like I'm gonna have the dream again."
Chris winked and took his coffee. "We'll see about that."

Boy Of My Dreams//Ding Dong and JulianWhere stories live. Discover now