29. sink in

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Read till the end for a wonderful sight.


"I'm so sorry, Jinyoung." She silently whispers.

I almost drop the glass of iced tea I'm holding, with my mind processing every single word I heard just now.

It just comes slow, coming closer and closer. When it finally comes, it makes the largest crash into me that leaves me weak on my knees. I thank God I'm sitting in a chair.

"I....I..." I couldn't seem to form nor find the words to say.


Lee Mina's POV

"Mina-yah! Let's eat lunch!" I hear my grandmother call from downstairs.

"Ne!" I respond, immediately rushing past the curtain blinds that separated my room from the actual living room. I can never keep her waiting.

You see, the house is small, and pretty old, it's where my mom grew up after all.

Anyways, the smell of freshly cooked food welcomes me as I go nearer and nearer the kitchen.

I see that grandma's still on the stove, when I go near her, she turns the fire off.

"I'll set the table up, Grandma." I offer.

"Oh sure. Thank you, Mina." She speaks slow, and I flash her a wide smile.

I set the small, short-legged wooden table, with two rice bowls and pairs of metal chopsticks.

She puts the hot pot kimchi stew down along with a side dish of fermented bean paste.

I put a pillow down for her to sit on comfortably before I go to sit on my place.

"Thank you for the food!" I shout happily, and start digging in.

Just like I described before, I'm in my grandmother's house. In the lower part of South Korea, where air is fresh, and no problems to deal with.

Basically, the place where I ran off to.

That very day, when I last talked to Song Yoonjae, was the day I left.

Mom drove me to the train station after school. I was on the rails alone.

My uncle fetched me from the station and took me to where I'll stay, which is here.

I've been here since the day before yesterday, and I'm loving every part of it so far.

And sometimes I wondered, "What might be happening in Seoul?"

When I wake up after my first night arriving here, my phone buzzed with texts, calls, voicemails, and such.

I didn't want any connections so I turned it off, and it was the last time I touched it.

Here I am now.

"I'll do the dishes, Grandma." I say, reaching for her finished plate.

She takes my hand and pushes it away gently. "No, I'll do it. I want you to buy something from the market for me."

I take my hand back slowly. "Okay."

Then she hands me a paper which I looked into to see the list of a few groceries, and meat she'd want me to get. She doesn't need to buy vegetables since she grows them here herself.

I took the dishes and put them in the sink. It's the least I could do.

Then I sped off outside, the sun shining quite bright.

Smile // GOT7 JinyoungTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon