Chapter 2

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Hi ya!!!I is back again:)So this is part 2 hope you like it

(Pete point of view)
I grabbed Patrick's hand and ran through the halls, also praying in my mind if Patrick could keep up.
     "Pettttttttteee slowwwww downnnn", Patrick cried, gripping tighter onto my hand. It actually felt nice.
       "Nine", I smirked back.(If you don't know what nine means it means no in German). "If you weren't lost in your thoughts we wouldn't be late for lunch".
He stepped on my foot once I finally stopped in front of the big doors.
"That's what you get", he pouted crossing his arms.
"Awwwww the little Pattycakes is mad at his Petey. Oh but Pattycakes knows he still loves Petey", I said in the most childish voice that is more childish than my regular eight year old voice. He blushed a little when I said "loves Petey".
"Come on Patty Patty let's go", I said grabbing his hand again and leading him into the lunch room.
"PETER LEWIS KINGSTON WENTZ THE THIRD!!!!!!", a enthusiastic boy screeched from a small round table in the corner of the room. Of course no one else in this grade is as loud and enthusiastic as Brendon Urie so of course I know that the boy he screamed my full name is Brendon Urie.
"Hey wassup my boys!!!!", I yelled running to the table that me and my best friends share, still holding onto to Patrick's hand. I walked towards Brendon with Patrick and slapped the back of Brendon's head.
"Ow", Brendon yelped slapping my hand away.
"That's what you get for yelling my full name out loud", I shot back at him, sitting down on the chair next to Brendon, which fortunately had a free seat next to it for Patrick.
"So guys this is Patrick", I smiled, still holding onto his soft hand. Sigh I wish I won't ever have to let go of his hand.
"Hi Patrick can I call you Pattycakes?", Gerard asked running a hand through his black hair.
"No only Pete can call me Pattycakes", Patrick answered turning his head from Gerard to stare into my brown eyes.
I smiled at the adorable, precious angel and I held his hand tighter under the table, doing circles on the back of his hand with my thumb. He blushed like a cute little red tomato.
"Awwwww", my friends cooed. If I had known any curse words at this time I would have said them all right now.
"Are you guys dating?", Tyler asked.
We both blushed a little before responding "no" sadly because I wished we did date.
"Well I think you guys belong together. Maybe someday you guys could date", Joe smiled. Me and Patty blushed again.
"YES!!!I call dibs on being Pete's best man!!!", Brendon yelled.
"There's nothing wrong with being gay guys. Gerard over here has a crush on Frank in our class", Andy smiled.
        "Shut up!!!"Gerard yelled at Andy. He yelled a little too loud which caused people to look at us. Even Frank which made Gerard blush harder.
"What does gay mean", Patrick asked, smiling down at our hands.
"It means when two people of the same gender like each other", Tyler answered. I'm not surprised Tyler knew what gay meant. He is the smartest kid in third grade.
"Oh please please please let us plan the wedding", Josh begged.
"Ooh I think Jackie said she wanted to be a wedding planner maybe we can-
"No Andy we will not ask Jackie for help we all now very well that Jackie instead would want to be kissing each of us at a time other than helping with our plans for the Peterick wedding!"
"Yes Peterick. Their ship name. A perfect couple needs a ship name.
"Yeah!!! Did you guys see as soon as Patrick came out from hiding behind Mrs. Brown's back Pete stared at Patrick with these goo goo eyes. And so did Patrick. They love each other!!!"
"Ooh what should be the name of their first kid? If it's girl then Veronica but if it's a boy it could be Declan or Saint or Bronx! Can I babysit I promise I will be a good uncle?!?!!
As our friends kept discussing me and Patrick's future, I turned to look at Patrick and he looked at me the same time. I could see myself in his beautiful mixture of blue and green eyes. I smiled looking down at our hands. I raised up our hands so they were up to my lips. I placed a small sweet kiss onto the palm of his hand. Patrick blushed.
"Psst", I heard someone whispered to me on my other side that wasn't my sweetheart. I turned to see Brendon. His eyes were filled thousands of questions.
He pointed at ours hands. I looked at the hand I have been holding and hadn't let go in the past ten minutes.
        I turned back to Brendon and since I'm a really good lip reader, I could tell he was mouthing to me"Dude I saw you kiss his hand!!!Do you like him???"
           I smirked and mouthed to him"I don't like him Brendon I love him."
          He raised his eyebrows before responding" Yes I knew it by the first time you guys saw each other."
          I rolled my eyes as the lunch bell rang for recess. I raced outside with my annoying but also great and hilarious best friends to the swings. There wasn't enough for Patrick and Tyler, so Patrick sat on my lap, my arms wrapped around his waist and Tyler sat on Josh's lap.
         Gerard took out a notepad and said"Ok so let's start planning the peterick wedding."
          While my friends discussed once again the future of "Peterick" me and Patrick got all snuggly. Patrick tried to get up but I pulled him back down.
         "No...stay", I whispered in his ear. He stuttered a little when he felt my breath on his ear.
          "Ok...even though I have to go to the bathroom...I will stay here with you...but only for you," he whispered back, laying his neck onto my shoulder.
           I snickered a little before placing a kiss onto his temple. He blushed, turned his head, and placed his soft lips onto my nose for a sweet kiss. We stared into each other's again for like the fiftieth time that day, and we placed our foreheads onto each other's.
         We stayed like that for twenty five minutes until the recess bell rang and we laced our hands together again and we walked towards the classroom. We sat down in our seats in class, and even during lessons, our hands were still laced together under the table.

I told you people I would make this one longer than the other one:) Honestly I like this one better than the first chapter but for me my opinion doesn't count yours does:) :) :) Hope you enjoy;)
By the way I just realized how many times I do smiley faces XD

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