Chapter three

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Hiiiii!!!!!Enjoy this part!!!!!!!
By the way, above is a picture of Pete's house!

(Patrick point of view)
Oh my god today was amazing!!! And it's about to get better! God I'm in love with Pete!!! I know I'm only eight years old but I'm in love! Pete and I held hands so many times! His hands are soft. I never want to wash my hand because he kissed my palm. I had to sit on his lap at recess on the swings because there weren't enough for me and Joe. He had wrapped his arms around my back and wouldn't let me go. He kissed my temple and I kissed his nose, then we just sat with our foreheads touching for the rest of recess. And we held hands in class.
       And now, I'm in the car, my mom driving me home to Pete's house because he asked me to come over. I'm so excited!!!! Wow. I just realized I'm talking like a girl talking about how her crush asked her out on a date.
        "So who is the Pete", my mom asked.
       "Oh my new best friend", I answered. Dang it. I almost said this boy I love. My parents are very religious so I don't think my mom would like the fact I love a boy.
       "Well I'm glad to see you made a new friend Patrick. He better be nice to you", my mom said pulling up in front of a large house.
       "Wow", I whispered. This house looks amazing! Pete is so lucky he gets to live here.
          I race up the steps and knock on the door. A young pretty woman answers the door.
        "Well you must be the famous Patrick I have heard so much about!", The lady smiles. I'm guessing she is Pete's mom. 
         "Thank you for having Patrick over", my mom smiles back at the lady.
        "Oh Pete's friends are always good well sometimes they might cause trouble but they are really good kids. Pete has known them since they were like three years old. Patrick is welcome anytime", the lady smiled."By the way my name is Dale".
        "I'm Patricia Stump. Should Patrick go on up or...."
         "Pete is upstairs so you can go up Patrick. If you need anything just go get me from outside. I will be on the patio", Dale smiled.
       "Okie. Bye mom", I hug my mom and run up the stairs to Pete.
        "Petey? Your pattycakes is here", I call, looking around for Pete. I walk around for a while. As I'm about to give up, I hear a crunch. I look down.
       I stepped on a...fruit loop? I back up to see a bunch of fruit loops shaped into the word"Will".
        I walk around the fruit loops that spell "Will" and find another word. "You". The next word is" My", and the last word surprised me. "Boyfriend". Then a question mark. Did Pete do this?
        "Well?", I heard close to me. I look up and see Pete smiling and me with childish grin again. "Do you?"
         I smiled. "Yes," I smiled like a goofball knowing that Pete is mine. He ran over to me, stepping on a couple fruit loops, and pulled me into his arms.
      "Can I kiss you?", he whispered, after a couple minutes of hugging. I stared into his eyes. I know we are too young but... I don't care. (I had my first kiss in kindergarten and I still don't regret it XD)
          "Yes", I whispered. That's all he needed to her. He placed his fingers under my chin and pulled me to him. I closed my eyes as I felt his soft lips meet mine. Oh. My. God. I'm kissing Pete Wentz. His other free arm wrapped around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was a sweet kiss, no tongue, just me and Pete, forever and ever.
About 15 minutes later
(Yes I know it is kinda long my first kiss was like 5 seconds it was great. Too bad I never saw the boy that kissed me since that day:(
(Still Patrick point of view)
     "Wow", I whispered when we pulled away. "You're a amazing kisser", I whisper, my arms still around his neck and his fingers holding my chin and his other arm around my waist.
       He smirked at me. "I love you Pattycakes...I know I just met you and all but...when I first saw you, I couldn't help but falling in love with you. Your eyes are these beautiful seaweed blue bell and they are so bright and makes me want to learn everything about you. You're are so beautiful and perfect and angel like and flawless. I don't know what I did for God to give me you, this beautiful angel, this gift from heaven. I don't deserve are too perfect and then there is me...I'm in love with you Patrick... I want everyday to wake up and have you by my side facing the world together. I won't let anyone hurt you...if you get bruises I will be bandages, to help you heal. If you are sad, I will kiss your tears away... if you're scared I will chase away the monsters...I love you, my little angel", Pete tells me, tears forming in both of our eyes.
       I stare at him, smiling again. "I love you my Petey!!!", I grin from ear to ear. He grinned and picked me up bridal style, one of his arms under my neck and the other under my knees.
        "Petey put me down!!!", I squeal, my arms around his neck.
        "NOPE", he smiled at me, carrying me to his room. When we got inside, he shut the door with his foot, and we smashed our lips together. My arms moved from his neck to his cheeks while he carried me to his bed. He bit my lip and I gasped a little which caused him to smirk.
         We pull away when we need air, staring into each other's eyes. We were both breathing heavily.
          "I didn't want to pull away", Pete whispered to me.
          "Me neither", I managed to mumble from heavy breaths.
           He laid me on his bed and crawled in next. We kicked off our shoes and snuggled together. He is finally mine, I think in my mind. We fall asleep, and dream about what the future will bring us.

Ok so Peterick came a little faster than I expected but I just had all these ideas soooo....ya
Ok bye :)



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