Melody, Melody

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Simon's body was brought back to camp and sent away on a rickety raft that Ralph and I built. I believed it was the hardest thing I had ever had to witness. I don't know when we started crying, but we weren't close to stopping anytime soon.

I was still angry over what happened, and I wanted revenge. My mix of emotions was setting me on edge and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both.

Ralph, Piggy and I didn't speak for hours. We all knew we were to fragile for any type of communication, so we sat close together and cried, staring out into the sea and wondering where our friend was at that moment.

I smiled to myself as I remembered all the time I had shared with Simon. I recalled the day we crashed, and how he looked so innocent and scared.

I had to shade my eyes from the harsh sun with my hand as Piggy went around and asked for names. A smallish boy, no older than ten or eleven, maybe even twelve, with short but curly brown hair smiled politely as he said his name.

"Simon." He said, and Piggy repeated it before going to the next boy. I sat next to him, smiling sweetly at the boy. He looked scared to be here, but I think everyone was at the moment.

"Hello," I said, raising my hand towards him. He shook it and smiled shyly back at me. "my name is Lizzie. You're Simon, right?" 

"Yeah," He replied, fiddling with his small fingers. "are you the only girl here?" He asked, his voice quiet and curious.

"I think so, yeah. I didn't see any other girls on the plane, unless they were sitting at the very back." We both looked around, trying to spot another girl, but no females popped up out of the group of boys. "I'm the only girl, I guess!" I chipped, smiling at the boy. He smiled back, showing a set of straight, white teeth. For a younger boy, he was very attractive. I blushed at the thought.

I hadn't known at that time that I would have grown to care for him so much. I wish I had known he was going to die; I could have done something to prevent it.

I thought back to the first time I got hurt- when I broke my leg. I had trusted Jack so easily back then. I cursed myself now for getting so close to him. I hated him.

Pushing those thoughts out of my mind, I focused on how Simon reacted. He was such a smart kid, and I could tell he really payed attention to his father because he knew exactly what to do. He really looked up to his father, and if he hadn't died I could swear he would become a doctor.

"You can't move your leg or else you'll just end up hurting it more. I know it sucks, but you won't really be able to do much for the next few weeks." Simon explained, his eyes full of sympathy. He had popped my leg back into place and was helping me get comfortable in the shade. Jack and Ralph stood over us, looking worriedly down at me.

"So, is she gonna be okay?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, but you really shouldn't take her on anymore of your hunting trips if you can't promise her safety." Simon replied. He stood up to Jack with full force, knowing what the tall blonde was capable of. Jack looked surprised, but nodded in shame. "Sorry, Liz." I shrugged and smiled.

"It isn't your fault. Just be happy we have our very own kid doctor on this island." Simon beamed with pride as he stood up and offered to bring me water.

If only Simon had known what Jack would have done if he had stood up to him now. Jack would have done the same thing he did to me; probably worse, because he never seemed to care much for Simon.

Ralph and Piggy got up to go get water. They made silent conversation as they walked out of sight, not bothering to ask if I wanted to go with them. They already knew I don't want to move from this spot on the sandy ground. I was thrown into another memory; this one wasn't as happy as the others, and a shiver ran down my spine as I thought about the old Roger, and the things he tried to pull on me.

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