Torturing The Mind

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Chapter 12 - Torturing The Mind

"Hey Cass," Dean muttered turning over to face the angel who was currently radiating a sweltering heat, "Are you okay?"

No reply came.


Dean sat up in the bed and saw that the angel was rigid. His face was scrunched and all of his body was tensed; he looked as if he was made of metal with painted features. Everything was hard and all of it read immense pain. Yet there was no sound.

"Gabriel!" Dean yelled jumping from the bed and running down the corridor towards the main room in which Gabriel always sat. Normally he would be calling Sam or Bobby but he knew full well that they could do absolutely nothing for him in this circumstance. Gabriel was the only one who could help or a t least tell him what was wrong.


Gabriel was sat silently on the table with a laptop in front of him when he heard Dean yelling his name. That was how he knew that something was wrong because the oldest Winchester would never be calling him unless it was something bad, horrifically bad.

"Gabriel!" Dean's voiced rang as he skidded into the room wearing only his boxers, "It's Cass. He's heating up, he's tense, I don't know what to do but I swear if it's the Raphael son of a bitch again I'm going to rip his throat out!"

"Get in line!" Gabriel growled as he ran ahead of the Winchester and into their room where Castiel was laid in the same position as before, "Cassie?"

No response.

"Cassie?" Gabriel said looking over his brother's body for any sign that an angel had got to him. He had done everything and he meant everything to keep the angel's away from his brother. He had activated every warding sigil as soon as they had entered the bunker for every single thing that could possibly come calling on them. Demons wouldn't get within a mile of the place and an angel could never find it on any map ever created. Even the maps scribed by Metatron from God's own word wouldn't hold their position. Lucifer couldn't get in and neither could Michael. Raphael wouldn't even dare.

"Everyone should be safe!" Gabriel yelled throwing his arms across the top of the chest of drawers flinging this to the other side of the room, "I did everything to keep them safe father! Why is this happening?!"

Dean stood and watched the archangel breakdown and realised how similar they were. An absent father caused them to both grow up too fast and to look after their younger brother. They were both so close to their family and had lumbered themselves with the task of looking after them.

"What's wrong with him?" Dean mumbled after the archangel had turned back to Castiel.

He pulled his hair back with one hand and looked at Castiel's body laying still and silent on the bed, "I don't know but whoever's doing it is going to pay with their life."


Ancient Enochian spewed from the youngest angel's mouth as the spike was pushed further into his skull. Pain was flooding his face with every second as his couldn't stop the words from pouring into the air around him.

"I know all of this!" she shouted looking at the angel with concentration on her face, "We all know this. I just need to know where you are. You can save us both a lot of pain if you just tell me."

She ripped the spike from his head and the Enochian stopped and was replaced with pained cries. Castiel was unable to speak as indescribable pain coursed through his body. Every part of him hurt as he just wished to die but death never came for him.

"Tell me!" She screamed her words clipped as she stared at the angel laid on the slab in front of her. His shirt was stained with blood that had wound down his face from the hole in his head; sweat dripped and mingled with the sticky liquid as it pooled by his neck, "Tell me and this could all be over."

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