How Did You Get Here?

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Author Note: Special special thanks to destiel_johnlock for the absolutely amazing comments that you've been leaving!! I love getting them and I'm glad that you are enjoying this story!! xx

Chapter 3 - How Did You Get Here?

Castiel breathed a sigh of relief as he took the gun from his loves cold hands and threw it in the other direction. He breathed in a shaky breath as he looked into the beautiful forest green eyes that he had got lost in many times before. But they weren't the same. They were darker, clouded and Castiel knew that they weren't same because of him.

He had believed Zachariah when he should have believed Dean; he had given in to Zachariah's calls and put Dean in danger. It was all his fault and even at his death he had worsened Dean and he never wanted to do that.


The room was surprisingly dark when Crowley arrived. To be honest it was a little more comforting than the piercing bright light of holiness that he had been expecting but it was nevertheless a little bit unnerving. It was heaven after all and every corner should have been bursting with a burning white light like in all the stories but apparently the light couldn't touch this desolate corner of heaven. The place where the deals were made.

"Crowley, nice of you to show up," Naomi muttered in a dangerous tone as she appeared in her seat behind a large white desk.

"Not particularly a warm welcome for a heavenly host," Crowley said lightly in an attempt to hide his true feelings of fear. He had never experienced such a heavy, commanding voice as Naomi's and he knew that he had every right to be completely terrified. She wasn't a monster but neither was she a pushover. She was dangerous and Crowley knew it.

"You didn't keep our cargo safe though did you?" she muttered in a voice that sounded to hold humour but a deadly tone hid behind it.

"I wouldn't call hell safe exactly love," Crowley said with a hint of a smile before coughing and looking to the side of Naomi as fired sprang in her eyes.

"You are meant to be king of hell not a fool who lets every little broken angel escape whenever they want. You made a deal with us. You said that you'd keep him locked away and that no one, not even God, could rip his soul out of hell. And would you know it, it goes and climbs out of the pit himself-"

"He had help alright! Have you ever tried to keep one of you buggers in trapped in a box-"

"I thought you knew how to!" Naomi roared over Crowley, "You told us that there was nothing to worry about; that he would be trapped with the demons and he would never escape. Well now we are worried because he's now both of our problems and it seems that neither of us are getting the Winchesters out of our hair anytime soon!"

Silence fell as Crowley composed himself, "He had some help. We'll find him it was just a slip up. The imbeciles that let him go were dealt with. Severely."

"I wouldn't expect anything less of you demon scum," Naomi spat as if uttering the words left a sour taste in her mouth.

"Making friends I see," Crowley muttered under his breath before speaking up after receiving a dirty look from the angel, "I'll fix it okay?"

"You better do because we can't have anymore slip ups. This apocalypse needs to get underway and soon or everything will go to pot. Understand?"

Crowley nodded and opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted before he could say anything. Naomi swiped her hand and Crowley found himself stood in the centre of a crossroads somewhere in America.

"Bollocks!" he exclaimed loudly before travelling straight back to hell.


"Cass," Dean whispered in a disbelieving voice as he stared at the blurry figure crouch above him, "Is that, is that y-you?"

Castiel looked back at the man and nodded gently, "Yes."

He wasn't expecting the kiss that he was met with. He was expecting a bombardment of questions without answers or at least a well shot punch but he had to admit that the chapped lips pressed against his own were more welcomed. He still couldn't bring himself to melt into the kiss however. Everything about it felt right but at the same time there was something wrong about it all.

He didn't deserve the man that currently sat close to him. He didn't deserve to feel the warmth radiating from his body as he hung onto him because he had done such terrible things to him. He had nearly made him end his own life and no one should love him. Not anyone.

"Dean I-" Castiel muttered as he pulled away from Dean.

"I don't care what you're going to say and I don't care how you're alive; all that matters is that you are and that I have you back," he said rather out of character as he looked at the man in the trench coat that he loved so much that he was certain there was a single word in the entire English dictionary to describe it.

"But Dean, you nearly died. I did that to you," Castiel muttered looking into the man's eyes, "I can't, I can't stay here. I'm only a danger to you. I don't know how I'm currently stood here and I can't risk you getting hurt again because everyone could be after me."

"Don't you get it?" Dean yelled grabbing Castiel by the shoulders and shaking him, "I don't care! Every second of every day I wished that I could have done something more to help you; that if I realised what was going on I could have saved you and you would never have died."

Castiel opened his mouth but Dean wouldn't let him speak, "I love you and in the short time that we were together I didn't say it enough to convey my true emotions but now that we have this second chance I don't want to waste it."

Castiel stared at Dean silently. He knew that he had died but he didn't remember anything about where he went or how he was brought back but he wanted so badly to stay with Dean. He didn't want to leave; he didn't want to be alone so he gave in to Dean. He told himself that he wouldn't let Dean get hurt and that everything was going to work out perfectly.

He stood up and held out his hand. Dean grasped it and used it to pull himself to his feet. The clouds began to clear and the rain died down as he looked into the glorious blue eyes that he'd missed; felt the dark brown hair beneath his fingers. The stars shone above them and Dean prayed that this time -just this once- their love would last.

Author Note: Cass is now well and truly back, yay! I love writing Castiel -and surprisingly Zachariah because I think I'm quite good at Zachariah- so I'm glad that he's back and I'm writing him again.

Please tell me what you thought by leaving a comment because I love love love reading comments!!

Thank you for reading!! xx

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