Visions Of Hell

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Chapter 4 - Visions Of Hell

It was hot, searing hot. People, innocent people surrounded him and the fire was engulfing their bodies, burning then until there was nothing left. It was torture and all Castiel could do was watch.

They had tried all of their methods on him; every method of torture imaginable but nothing seemed to work. Every time they clawed at his body or drilled into him he held it all back. He could breathe through that pain and deal with his own suffering because it was his own fault he was down there.

He had defied his brothers; defied his father. He was the one that had endangered all the people close to him and threatened their lives for his own happiness. He deserved the pain and he told himself that every day. Every single day that he was stuck amongst the cackling demons with the black eyes and tortured souls he told himself that it was what he deserved.

But they picked up on it when they knew that Castiel wasn't going to give in, that he would never shout or scream for himself. Then, they realised, he'd scream for the innocent.

And so it started. The few innocent people that were trapped in the depths of hell, the ones that made the cross road deals, would step before him and slowly the fires would caress them. They would curl around them all, wrapping them up and peel the flesh from their bones until there was nothing left.

And they would scream.

The screams would echo around him, drowning him in the sorrows of all the people that didn't deserve it. That had only done good with their lives and taken the opportunity to make it a little better and had ended up here.

But that didn't work forever. Eventually he became numb to their screams until one day he recognised a scream that he had hear once before and had hoped never to have to hear again. One that caused his battered and bloody head to turn and his heart to break into a thousand shards.

They had conjured Dean. All the twisted things that Castiel had witnessed in his time down in hell -in the place that no angel should ever end- and this was by far the worst.

He heard him screaming out his name as demons scratched and scrapped at him. The screams were incessant, they wouldn't stop and every second they grew louder and louder and Castiel couldn't do anything. He knew inside himself -somewhere deep down- that it wasn't really Dean but in his mind plagued with the fires of Hell he couldn't sit and listen.

He pulled at the hooks through his shoulder and legs. The spike drove further into his back as he failed to pull free and fell back onto them. He shouted for Dean as his screams echoed inside his head. Every time he fell back he cried out in pain and they knew that he'd finally got him.

He couldn't hold it in anymore and everyday he screamed and cried for Dean as the screams continued. He couldn't hold in his own pain anymore yet he kept tugging because he would rather pull himself apart than continue to let Dean suffer.


Castiel's screams rang throughout the house and Dean woke with a start. He was sleeping upstairs in his room and Castiel's shouts rose through the floor from the living room downstairs.

"Castiel!" he shouted in reply before barrelling down the stairs to his side, "Come on Cass. Wake up man!"

Dean knew that something wasn't right as soon as he'd seen Castiel at the crossroads. He looked the same but every action was different and he could see in his eyes that he'd been through something that had changed him.

Castiel awoke with a start but all he could see and all that he could hear was the people and their screams. Their screams of anguish and fear; pain and suffering and once again he couldn't help them.

"Stop! No, please, stop it!" Castiel yelled, his eyes full of terror as he pulled on invisible restraints on the bed, "Stop it! I can't do this anymore!"

"Cass," Dean shouted gripping him tightly and shaking him. He didn't know what was wrong with Castiel but he wouldn't lose him again. Dean grabbed him and held him to the bed, "You have to stop. It's only us, it's okay Cass!"

Dean voice broke through into Castiel's head and he shot up breathing heavily. His whole body ached and his face felt wet from the tears that were sliding down his face. He took deep breathes in an attempt to stabilise himself a bit more and he looked into the worried green eyes of Dean.

Dean looked at him and gently wiped away Castiel's tears with his thumb. He looked over him before sitting down on the bed and wrapping Castiel in his arms. He didn't know what was wrong with him but he knew that he wasn't going to stop until Castiel was better because that was something that he hoped he would never have to see again.

Castiel was terrified and Dean only just managed to snap him out of it. His whole body was wracked with terror; the sight was sickening and Dean wasn't going to let Castiel feel that way ever again.

"I've got you now Cass," Dean whispered into Castiel's hair as he stroked circles on Castiel's shoulder blades to comfort him, "Nothing can hurt you."

The other three hunters looked at each other before leaving the two of them alone. They all knew that what Castiel needed now was some time with Dean to calm him down.


"That didn't look good," Adam muttered as they all sat on the sofa downstairs. They didn't really want to go back to sleep in case it happened again. They needed to be ready.

"I think that we are all thinking it but I think that I've seen something like that before. Not on such a high level but..." Bobby muttered letting the thought hang silently in the air around them.

"I didn't think that angels could," Sam muttered as he brushed some hair out of his face and looked at the older hunter with concern.

"We don't know. There isn't any record of it but it could happen and the effects would be a lot worse than we saw in Dean."

"I know that you both know what you are on about but I'm sorry, I'm not keeping up," Adam muttered looking at the two hunters with looks of near horror on their faces.

"It seems like a while ago now but," Sam paused and took a breath, "Dean made a crossroads deal and went to hell. We are thinking that-"

"Castiel died and went straight to hell."

Author Note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'm happy to say that my next chapter will be a little fluffier!

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