She's Coming

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Chapter 13 - She's Coming

"She's coming?" Gabriel muttered suddenly looking terrified as if those two words were the most horrific thing that he'd ever heard, "She can't get in, she can't.

"She knows where we are Gabriel, she knows," Castiel stuttered crying down the front of the man's shirt, "I told her everything, everything. She knows where we are; what we've been doing; how I've been feeling; everything!"

"It's not your fault," Dean pushed looking at the hysterical angel hanging on to his brother on the bed, "We can sort this out Cass."

"We can't do anything. She's too strong Dean. She made me tell her everything about you all and I couldn't do a thing to stop her; I couldn't even consider it and it hurt Dean. It hurt so much," Castiel babbled looking at the hunter with terrified eyes that Dean had never seen before.

Gabriel got off the bed and walked out of the room and slammed the door. He couldn't watch his brother break down in front of him like that and he wouldn't let him suffer. Even as Castiel sat in that room Naomi was up there somewhere controlling everything he was saying, everything he was doing because once she was inside she never left.

"Gabriel?" Sam said as he walked into the room with a worried expression covering his face, "What's going on?"

"Someone got to Castiel. We have to leave Samsquatch, they're after us and they won't stop until they get what they want and when we don't know what that is it's hard to decide what exactly there is to do," Gabriel said brushing his hair from his face with two hands.

Sam looked to the angel, "Whatever it is we aren't giving it to them and that's all that matters right. No matter what or who they are asking for we don't give it to them; that is all that we need to know. So, where are we going this time?"

Gabriel sighed deeply and looked at the tall man, "I don't know, there isn't really anywhere to go. Wherever we want to go we can be tracked because she has Castiel and we aren't leaving him."

Sam sighed and spun around thinking of places that they could go to hide from the angels. Nowhere sprung to mind and a sinking feeling grew in his chest which he struggled to push down. Everything seemed hopeless and while he knew that Gabriel had done everything to protect the bunker from everything that could be after them he all of a sudden didn't feel completely safe.


Castiel was hysterical and it was breaking Dean's heart.

When they had first met it was safe to say that he was unemotional to the point that Dean could see something horrific must have happened. His blank expression seemed to hide something deep behind it that even Castiel didn't seem to know and it had affected him to such a degree that he didn't want to feel anything again.

However, every time that they saw him he was changing. He had begun to side more with them than the angels and he seemed to have dropped a rank as Uriel began to give orders that Castiel followed with unspoken questions. Everything seemed to be changing within him and it got worse as he helped the Winchesters over his family.

Dean didn't know how he'd managed to go against them after having such blind faith the first time. He'd had enough faith to dive into Hell and retrieve a man whom he didn't know the significance was. He could have died in there, alone and scared, but he leapt right in.

As soon as he was hunted by Raphael and they became a couple things progressed quicker as he began to learn what happiness was. Everything seemed to be improving until Zachariah came and destroyed it with one flick of his wrist. Nothing was the same afterwards. They seemed happy but nightmares stalked through their heads and unanswered questions rung through the silence at night.

Now, seeing Castiel laid on bed in fits, Dean wished that he'd never changed the angel because if he hadn't then he would be struggling through such great pain at that moment on the bed.

Dean collected Castiel into his arms and breathed into his dark, tasselled hair, rocking him gently trying to sooth him and keep him still and close. That was all that seemed necessary to him at that moment; keeping Castiel safe because he loved him and it was too late to go back on anything now. Dean wasn't sure but even knowing what was going to happen now, he would still tell Castiel how he felt because he couldn't live without being able to hold Castiel in his arms and hum softly to him.

"Dean?" Castiel said as his voice became steadier as he rocked in Dean's arms, "I'm so sorry."

"Shh," Dean muttered holding him and kissing the top of his head, "You have nothing to apologise for because it isn't your fault."

"It's happened before Dean. She made me forget my best friend and follow Michael in whatever he said was right. She made me believe that God was still there but it was all a lie. He wouldn't leave me like this Dean and he would let all these terrible things happen to you because you have done nothing wrong."

Tears wound down his face as he thought about everything that had happened recently and all the changes that he had been through. It was all thanks to Dean that the world wasn't crumbling around them at the moment. It was all thanks to Dean that he wasn't sat without remorse as he watched human plummet to their deaths. It was all thanks to Dean that he had somewhere to belong and he wasn't amongst his family; they didn't care about him, about anyone.

"She's done it to us all Dean," he murmured burying his face in Dean's chest and trying to block out the pounding at the back of his head. It ticked like a countdown and he knew that at the end of it Naomi would come and take away everything that he cared about.


Sam paced around the main room and heard Castiel's cries dwindle to muffled sobs as he tried to desperately think of a solution.

"I can't think of anything," Gabriel muttered looking at Sam with confusion and hopelessness clouding his vision, "Everything I can think of involves leaving someone and I can't do it."

"Why don't I stay?" Sam suggested looking at Gabriel. He opened his mouth but Sam looked at him, "No, think about it. They need me to be Lucifer for their big game of apocalypse so they can't kill me because Lucifer would just bring me back. If I distract them then you can get away and I'll find you later. It's going to work."

"I'm not leaving you," Gabriel muttered turning away, "We have to think of something else."

It was then that the ticking in Castiel's head stopped and the rattling of the door from the wind outside fell silent.

"Oh Cassie, Gabe. I know that you're in there."

Author Note: Ahhhhhhhh Naomi. I seriously hate this girl sooooooo much! Rawr!

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