Chapter 15

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"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to youuuu. Happy birthday to my baybeh. Happy birthday to you." I woke up to August singing happy birthday to me. "Aww thank you baby. How did you know?" I kissed his cheek and got out the bed to brush my teeth.

"I'm 'round ya dad 24/7 what ya mean how I know?" He chuckled. "True." I laughed while grabbing my toothbrush putting it under water. As I applied crest whitener toothpaste I heard him say something from a distance, but it soon became audible.

"Afta' ya done ya breakfast dahn stairs." He came in behind me holding my hips. "Thank you." I said, but it came out in muffles. "Ya welcome love." He chuckled.

I finished brushing my teeth as he watched. "Why are you still in here?" I laughed. "I wanna kiss."

"I should be wanting the kisses because it's my birthday." I kissed him. He let me take control today, so I jumped on him and grabbed his head moving it the way I wanted him to.

I bit his lip asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and our tongues began to wrestle. I don't know what came over me because I never kissed anyone like this before. He grabbed my butt gripping it before smacking it. I moaned at the intense feeling I was beginning to feel between my legs.

"Aight mama I love kissin' ya, but ya food gettin' cold. Afta' this get inna shower and get dressed." He tapped my butt notifying me to hop down. I did and nodded. Making my way to the kitchen where all the food was.

Happy birthday to me.
After we ate breakfast, we made our way to my parents house where they gave me a lot of gifts along with my siblings. Since Aiden wasn't here, he mailed his gift to my parents house. It should be there by tomorrow, I can't wait till I see what he got me.

Soon we left and got dressed for something. August said that we were going to a place, but won't say what place. I just really want to know.


"So like where are we going?" I asked since we've been driving for a hour. "To get pizza."

"Really?" I cheesed. ((Get it haha I'm such a clown😭😭)) " No it's a surprise." He said gripping my thigh. "Put this own." He tossed me a blind fold.

"Hell no." I gave it back. "If God wanted me to be blind he would've made me that way." He sucked his teeth. "Ok Reverend I hear ya', but only fo' a few minutes." I rolled my eyes and put the blindfold on.

"Aight baybeh we almost there." I heard him say. I sat back and listened to the music that lowly played in the car. Soon the car came to a stop.

"Imma come help ya out." I heard August say before the door closed on his side. The door opened on my side and I got out with his help. "Step up." I did as told until I stepped onto something that was rocking.

"August we better not be on a boat." I screamed and began to panic. I'm so terrified of boats it's ridiculous. I watched too many horror films were a ship sank or something.

"No baybeh we ain't onna boat. Take the blindfold off." He laughed. I took off the blindfold to see that we was on a plane. "What we doing here?"

"Well listen. Your dad put together a trip where me and you will be going to Cancun fo' a couple days then the rest of ya family and the twins will be down."

"For real?" I began to cry. Ugh I'm  such a baby. "Mmh.. so like on this trip I'm hopin' I'll be able ta please you." He began to play with my top. "Maybe." He smiled. "But then maybe not." His smile dropped immediately. "You gotta wait August, I don't know if I'm ready yet." I whined.

He sighed and nodded. "Aight my fault fo' sayin' something. Just sit back and enjoy the ride." He said leaning back in his chair.

"Are you upset?" I pouted. "No."

"Your lip says otherwise, its poking." I flicked his lips. "And you buggin', leave me alone." He pushed my hand.

"Fine." I flopped back into my chair. He's mad because I'm not ready to give my virginity up, lets me know what kind of person he is.


"Lani wake up." I felt August shaking me. "Are we there yet?" I yawned. "Yeah come on, we gotta get ta' the hotel." I nodded and stood up stretching. That was probably the best stretch every.

"It's so beautiful." I looked around. "Yeah it is. We slept on there fo' a good amount of hours, so ya' wanna go somewhere? It's still ya' birthday ta' me." He smiled. I smiled as well, I think he's growing on me a lot.

I don't think I love him like Chantaé said, but I can admit that I like him. Just a little bit, not a lot yet.

"Sure I would love that." I said getting into the car we rented out. "Thank you August." I grabbed his hand as he sped off onto the streets of Cancun. "Fo' what mama?" He took a quick glance at me.

"For the trip."

"It ain't nun, it was all ya daddy idea, I just pitched in a lil money nun serious." He shrugged. "But you still made the last month of my life wonderful." I kissed his cheek. Aww I made him blush.

"Ya welcome lady." He kissed my hand chuckling.

😫😫😫😫😫this chapter was so short I'm sorry it's only 1000 words
But I'm leaving the action for the next few chapters
So this book doesn't have a lot a drama thank the Lort
It's all good news, but don't get me wrong there will be some drama mama
Just not yet

Auddie out❤️

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