Chapter 41

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"No I don't want you to leave."I whined holding onto him crying. "Baby I'll back within a week." he sighed picking me up. "But that's too long."

"No babe you making it seem long, it's only seven days."

"Only? August how could you say that?" I crossed my arms. "Babyyyyyy." he laughed gently nibbled on my ear. "Stop that tickles." I laughed. I put my face in the creak of his neck smelling his lovely scent.

"I know you gonna miss daddy baby, but I promise once I get back I will take you out and we can do what ever you want okay?" he grabbed my chin looking me directly in my eyes. "Okay."

"Now stop pouting and give daddy a kiss before he leave." he  puckered his lips. "I didn't know my father was here?" i joked. "Don't play with me bum." he tackled me.

"August." I cracked up laughing as he gave me a tickle fit. "Stop you gonna make me pee on myself."

"Give daddy a kiss then."I kissed him. "Thank ya daddy really appreciate it." he smiled.

"You should really stop saying it in third person like that its gonna make it weird during sex." he straight faced me.

"Whatever girl I should get going, I love you."

"I love you more." he kissed my lips one last time before he left for his week trip in New York.


Its been thirty minutes and I have sat in the same position August left me in. Its like I am nothing without him and that it was I feared in all relationships. Getting to tied to a man where you feel empty and useless when he's gone.

I decided on wearing something simple just to head over to Joi's house because I know she's going crazy over Derrel leaving as well. Maybe we c an cry, eat ice cream, and watch chick flicks together.

I made it to her house within twenty minutes because I stopped to get us some Chick-Fil-A

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I made it to her house within twenty minutes because I stopped to get us some Chick-Fil-A. They shit really be bomb, real crispy chicken and all. Cant nobody disagree!

I knocked on her door, she opened within a couple seconds. She was all bright in smiles, but when she saw me her face went dull. "Aww it just you." She rolled her eyes walking back into the living room.

"Okay I'm just gonna let that slide. But i got movies, ice cream and food." I smiled holding all the bags standing in front of the television show she was watching. "Ayye get out the way and hand my the ice cream."

"Okay, when you tell me why you were so happy to open the door." I sat next to her. "I thought you were Derrel coming back." she pouted. "But it was just you, my baby sister being thoughtful and bringing me food." she cried.

"Uhh Joi are you alright?" I asked concerned.

"No, I'm pregnant." she sniffed.




Right now we on this tanking ass plane. Some ignorant ass left her child in a stank doodie ass diaper, causing the section of the plane we're to smell like boo boo. I feel like that baby right now, I just wanna cry.

"Sir you can ya move your chair up please, I don't have any leg room."I asked the guy ahead of me, who was sleeping with his chair all the way back causing my legs to scrunch up. " Mhm." he sat up a little bit, I sighed in relief letting blood flow back to my legs which held fell asleep and became numb.

My chair moved again because of this bad ass lil fucker behind. "Stop lil nigga." I peaked over the chair. "No you stop." he kicked my chair.

"I ain't the one being immature and kicking the back of a guys chair." the lil fucker mocked me and stuck his tongue out, so I stuck mine out as well.

His mom looked at me and spat, "Hey pick on someone your own size. Act your age you big meanie."

"Girl listen to the way you talking, you the one with the kid talking bout a 'big meanie' gone head somewhere."

"But I'm not the one fusing with a four year old" she argued. "Yea well-"

"Aug give it a rest, just let them win." Ghost said pulling me forward to face the front of the plane. I saw the twins laughing away at the scene unfolding, pack of immature dick heads.

"HaHa you got in trouble." the lil nigga kicked my chair singing. I turned around and stuck my middle finger up.

Bad ass


Sorry this chapter was short but enjoy.

Auddie out

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