Chapter 23

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After speaking with my mother and Joi, I decided not to give up my virginity on the simple fact that we aren't in a relationship yet. Who's to not say if we do have sex and he leaves. I would be devastated mentally because I gave him something I could've gave someone else. Who will possibly deserve it and the rest of my love. I'll just wait to the time is right with him or someone else.

Since we are speaking about August, him and the twins came back home two days ago, but he has yet to come by my house. Derrell said he was upset about something, but wouldn't tell me exactly what it was. After work I'm going to head over to August's house just to make sure he ain't do nothing stupid.

"Taé can you hand me that receipt  right above your head?" I asked. She nodded and gave me the item I needed to box up our online orders.

"How you been girl?" She bumped hips with me. "I've been good." I shrugged because I couldn't complain much. "How about you and August?" She smirked. "Y'all get it in yet?" She humped the desk. I laughed shaking my head. "No, he just recently came back from Cancun. He stayed back for something I'm not sure."

"He wasn't out there fucking was he?" She put a hand on her hip. "Nah I don't think August would do that. He already knows how I feel about men and my assumptions so I don't think he would pull something like that." I hope and pray he didn't because that wouldn't sit right with me at all.

I understand we aren't in a relationship, but shit we most definitely are something. We sleep in the same bed and kissed, so we gotta be some type of item.

"Mmh. Hope he didn't cause that would just be fucked up, but not as much as his face when I'm through with it. But I can't believe you out of all people are saying this right now."

"Saying what?" I stopped working to look up at her. "Believing a man is faithful, you always saying they not and they ain't shit." She laughed. "Well that's because some are, but August is different he's not a boy he's a man. He's also changing my whole perspective of all of that." Chantaé gasped and began to clap and fake cry.

"Yess bitch I love the new you. August just have really dicked you down and you just saying he didn't because there is no way in hell the real you is saying this."

"Stop clown. It really is." I shooed her from the hug she was trying to engulf me in. "I should get going anyway I'm going by him."

"Ok honey gone get you some more dick." She waved.

I laughed while leaving her office. I packed all my things and made my way to the garage. On my journey, I felt the need to call August just to give him a heads up that I'm coming over to check on him.

I called, but I received no answer. I shrugged it off and hopped in my car.


I pulled into his driveway to see an unusual car parked in front. I furrowed my eyebrows, but got out of the car anyway. I walked up to the front door, before I could knock it opened to August and some random broad. Just when I thought right, I was wrong.

"Aulani, hey." August jumped a little. I was wrong, no he's wrong and I'm glad I didn't fully commit myself to him. I knew it, I knew it. Men ain't shit!

"Hey. I'm sorry if I was interrupting. I'll just leave now." I turned around to walk to my car. If he really cares he'll try to run after me or at least call my name.

I made it to my car and down his driveway and not once did he say anyway.



Damn. I ain't mean for Aulani to see this shit. It ain't even what it look like. Well it is, but I just needed something. I ain't have no play in months. My mans was so dry, I couldn't stand the drought I was going through I needed something.

I was just supposed to get some, have her dip, then chill like nothing happened man. I know she's pissed and most importantly hurt because I said I wasn't like them other niggas and I lied. I'm just like them niggas.

I can't believe I just did her dirty like that, man I feel bad. Even though we ain't together it fucking felt like it. She's probably somewhere crying her little heart out because of me, I gotta make this shit right.


I laughed as I made my way down the streets of Atlanta. I been driving around all day since the incident. Not once have I stopped laughing. My phone been buzzing off the hook, but I ignored it. It's probably just August. Nah it couldn't be. Why would he call now when he could've been stopped me?

The situation not even funny, the funny thing is that I'm so stupid. I never thought that he would do this.
I feel so stupid after everything I just told Chantaé.

My laughing feast came to end once my car did and a dead end. I tried to start it back up, but it didn't come back on. That's exactly how my love life have been going.

I tried to have a relationship once it didn't work so I quit, I said men wasn't shit I stopped and started hustling. Then I tried again taking things a little slower this time, but taking things slow made me stop right at the dead end with nothing else to do or go. I was doing good one minute the next minute everything shut down.

Just thinking about this made me cry. I swore up and down I would never cry over a nigga and I'm not I'm crying because I let life fool me again. I let it make me believe that I was this special person who deserved the world by a loving man, when I'm not.  I'm nothing and never will be. I can't stand life it does nothing, but pull tricks on you and consider you as a fool.

I just need to be alone for the rest of my life. Won't nobody have me, but myself.
Sorry it's been forever... I've been busy. Going from county to county, state to state  for these tournaments. I'm leaving again this weekend and then again next weekend. I'm going to Virginia for a tournament ...then I'll be back for two days so I will try to update them days. After that I'm leaving. It's summer a girl on VACAY!!! Can't blame me.....
Stay cool kiddos it's hot out.

Auddie out‼️

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