2nd Grade

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2 years Later
Dad, Dark, and Light have been teaching me how to use my powers. It hard to keep them Hidden when I am at school and a group of girl saw me use them after school. Now everyone thinks I am a freak. I have not told Dad,Dark, or Light yet. One I know what Dark would do he did it before and he got away with it two I would get grounded for using my powers without them watching over me. I know that I am in 2nd grade but I can do stuff for my self! But Those are the rules and I have to follow them. It was like any other day at school but today was different we are getting a new student and I think they already know about me. But I was reading alone in the corner like I always do when the teacher Mis,Applebom came up to me with one of the new student. (Pic above but he is a 2nd grader!)
       "Hello Y/N this is Jackson! He is a new student in class I want you to show him around!" She said with a smile I got up from the beanbag that she has in the corner for me.
         "O-okay...hi I am Y/N!" I said putting my hand out for him to shake. my Dad tot me manners too. No wonder my teacher liked me.
          "H-Hi I'm Jackson!" He said shaking my hand.
           "Now here is a hall pass so you guys won't get in trouble!" Said Mis,Applebom giving me the hall pass.
           "Thank you Mis,Applebom!" I said me and Jackson walked out of the classroom and I showed him around. "This is the 2nd grade hall you will go here every day!" I said showing him the 2nd grade hallway.
            "Can I ask you something?" He asked. I nodded.
             "Sure go ahead!" I said stoping.
             "Why do you have a wet cloth around your eyes?" He asked. I was shocked no one really asked about that. Not even my teachers. Well I think that because my Dad told them what happened.
             "That's a really long story! And it shows a side that I really don't like to talk about." I said looking at my shoes. He put a finger under my chin and pulled up my head so I can make eye contact with him.
             "It's okay I just thought I might ask! I was wondering." He said I smiled and he smiled back.
             "Well I can tell you later if you want maybe at recess?" I asked. He nodded and I Continued to show him around the school.
Me and Jackson we're siting under the tree where I always sit at recess and I was telling him why I have a cloth around my eyes.
            "So let me get this on your 6th birthday you fond out that you have powers like you Uncle Dark?" He asked
             "Yes!" I said
             "And when you we're training you dad discovered that you have black eyes when you are fighting?" He asked.
             "Uh ha!" I said
              "And now you don't know how to get rid of them?" He asked looking at me.
               "Yep!" I said poping the 'p' then Skyler and her girl posey came over to me and Jackson. He got up from his spot.
               "Well look what we have here girls Y/N and my new boyfriend hanging out! Why are you talking to her when you can be hanging out with me!" Skyler said. Me and her are way different she has red hair that is in a French braid. I have Y/H/C and it is down or in a high pony that Google helps me with. She was rich as hell is what Dark would say. She has designer clothing, perfect shoes, outfit for every day of the week, and she's popular! Me on the other hand I am poor well to her I am, I shop at Walmart or K-mart sometimes,and I am not popular I am the opposite of that! In wolf terms she is the Alpha and I am the omega.
"I don't even know who you are and I like Y/N she is cool!" Said Jackson I got up from my spot and stood next to Jackson.
"What! You don't know who I am and you like her better than me?!" Skyler asked she looked mad.
"Jackson I just warning you I think you might want to run!" I whispered in his ear. He nodded and took off towards the playground. Me I stood there like a idiot. Skyler walked up to me.
"Who do you think you are...you...you demon!" She said. She told one of her friends to get someone and I think I know who it was my bully Jay. He was a tuff looking boy, he had Sandy blond hair, he wore a tank top, shorts,and sneakers. He walked up to me and hit me on the nose so I got a bloody nose. Then Jackson came up and tackled Jay.
"Stop Jackson! Please!" Then I was pulled away from the boys and got hit in the eye then everything went black......

~time skip~
I woke up in the nurses office to see Jackson and Jay talking to the principal. He must have noticed I was up because he turned to the nurse. She came over to me and put a ice pack on my eye.
"Here Y/N! I called your Dad and you Uncle Light there on there way!" She said in a kind voice.
"Thank you nurse Jess..." I said then the principal came over to me.
"Hello Y/N I am really sorry about what happened but did you hit anyone?" He asked I shook my head no.
"Not that I can remember! But I do remember getting punched in the nose by Jay and Jackson tackled him. Then I was pulled away and got punched in the eye I really don't know how did it tho that all I can remember sir!" I said looking at him.
"Thank you...but did Skyler say any thing like call you a name?" He asked.
"She called me a demon sir...." his face expression told me that he was mad. Yes I am part demon from what I know...my dad told the school about my Uncle Dark. But he told them a different story! My dad told them that Dark gave me some of his powers so I can protect myself. And that I am part demon because of it! The principal told my father that he promised that no one would call me a 'demon'.
"Thank you...your father and Uncle should be here I a few!" He said walking out of the office then Jackson came up to me.
"Hey" he said.
"Hey I want to thank you for what you did at recess you didn't have to do that!" I said he gave me a small smile.
"I had to your my friend!" He said hugging me. I giggled a bit.
               "Really? You want to MY friend? If you hang out with me that means you will get billed like me..." I said he laughed a little then the nurse came in
"Jackson Y/N your parents are her to take you guys home." We nodded and we both walked to the front office. There my dad and Uncle Light was there waiting for me. Jackson's mom was there too.
                "Well I guess this is a good bye for now!" Jackson said hugging me.
                 "Yeah! Cya tomorrow!" I waved him a good bye and his Mom and him left.
                  "Who's the boy Y/N?" Light joked. I looked at him with a 'really' look.
                    "He is my new and only friend Jackson! I met him today!" I said Light gave me a warm smile. I look over at daddy and see he is talking to the principal.
                "They called her that?" Dad asked.
                "Yes and she proved it. When I asked her what Skyler called her she said demon" said the Principal looking at dad then me. Dad turned to face me and Uncle Light.
               "Light take Y/N to the car! I will be out there in 5 minutes!" He said Light picked me up and singed out and walked out of the school.

Host's POV
    This girl Skyler who I think is the one that told the whole school about Y/N's Secret. But they think that she got them from Dark. Called Y/N a demon.
                "Can I do something about it?" I asked the principal of the school. He shook his head no.
                "They want to Sue YOU because they think that your daughter stated the fight! But Jackson said it was Skyler who started it!" He said. I looked down at the floor to think. We don't have enough money to pay for a law suit!
                "Is there a video tap of the fight?" I asked he shook his head yes. "Then let's see it!" I said he walked to a Monitor Area of the office. And watched the fight go down. Yep it was Skyler.
"Well we could show this to her parents tomorrow! Who is dropping off Y/N?" He asked I looked at him.
"Google will I can come with him if you like!" I said he nodded and I walked to the car. Y/N and Light were doing her math homework.
"5+10=15,6+10=16?" She asked.
"Yes!" Light said. They looked up when they realized I was in the car.
"Hey dad!" She said I looked at her. She looked scared. "Are you mad?" She asked.
"No I'm just disappointed! I had to get off work early because I got a call form got school saying that you were in a fight...and you didn't tell me that you had a bully and a popular mean group of girls picking on you!" I said I looked at Light he looked disappointed too.
"I'm sorry I just didn't know how to tell you! Her Family is rich! And Jay just thought he could pick on me because he's taller than me..." she said I sighed and started the car.
"Just next time tell us! Okay?" I asked she shook her head yes.
"Will you tell Uncle Dark?" She asked I gave Light a looked.
"I have to sweetheart! Like I have to tell Google and Wilford!" I said driving out of the school parking lot. She looked down to her homework again it started doing it. She knew Dark was going to do something she just didn't want to tell us.

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