Antisepitceye and Jackgilch

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It Monday and I am feeling a little bit better. But not good enough to go to school. Is What Uncle Dark said. I was in bed watching Markiplier play Dream Daddy when Daddy walked in.
"Hey time for your medicine!" He said I gagged a little. I really don't like it.
"But daddy I really don't like it!" I said I throw up the last 18 times I had to take it.
"I know but it makes you better! And because it's Monday and your still in bed they say you have to take this every day one in the morning and one before bed! I am really sorry!" He said handing me the pink liquid they call medicine.
"Can we call it something?" I asked taking it. I swallowed it and drank gatorade after to keep the taste out of my mouth.
          "How about pink icky stuff?" He asked laughing I laughed a little to.
          "Okay!" I said Bonnie came up and put his head on my lap. I started to pet his head. Dad left my room and I put on the video that is was watching.

Host's POV
      In 3 weeks is winter break and we are going to Cincinnati to see the house. I sat on the couch next to Dark and Wilford.
       "When are you going to tell her that we are moving to Cincinnati?" Asked Dark I sighed siting back on the couch.
        "Not...not yet...we do leave in 3 weeks maybe four!" I said looking at him. "How am I going to tell her?" I said.
        "Tell me what?" I look at the stairs to see Y/N looking at us.
         "Hey what's up kiddo? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Dark asked.
"I got thirsty and wanted to get a drink! What we're you going to tell me?" She asked I looked at Dark then Wilford. I sighed.
          "We umm......have found a house but it's in Cincinnati and over winter break we have to visit Cincinnati to see the house....I get it if you don't want to go....Wilford and Google are staying home. But we will be home before Christmas I promise!" I said siting up. She came over to me and hugged me. I hugged back.
"As long as you came back for Christmas!" She said with happiness in her voice. I smiled. "So we're not moving to Raspy Hill?" She asked I nodded.
"We got someone that can take care of the people there!" I said holding her tightly. She coughed a weak cough. "Okay you need to get back in bed, I will get you some water okay?" I asked her when I picked her up. She nodded. I took her to her room and put her in bed. I got her water and put it on her bedside table. "You do you want to go?" I asked siting next to her on the bed.
"I really don't know! I would like to get out of LA for awhile! But I am a little sad that I won't be with my friends!" She said I forgot to tell her!
"Actually you and Jackson will be going to the same school! Him and his mother are going to Cincinnati too!" I said then a smiled appeared on her face.
"Really that's so cool!" She said hugging me. "Will Jackson and his mom be looking at a house when we do?" She asked.
"I would have to ask her!" I said getting up. I closed the door and walked to the living room. I see Light and Google cleaning. "Hey when dose our plane leave?" I asked.
"Friday December 16th we are staying her for 3 days so we are coming back on the 18th!" Light said picking up my feet and grabbing a pice of paper.
               "Okay!" I said

~time skip 2 weeks later 1 week until they leave~
    Y/N POV
I was a lot better and I was staying home when Dad, Light, and Wilford go to Cincinnati. Dark wanted to stay home with me and Google I really don't know why. I was siting in my room playing with Bonnie when I hard yelling from downstairs.
        "NO WILFORD!" Yelled someone he sounded Irish. I got up and walked to the stairs. I hid in the place where I always hide. I felt someone stare at me. I look up to see Daddy and Light standing there. They must have heard this to.
         "YOUR GUN WAS AT THE CRIM SECNE!" Yelled the man with a Irish accent. Daddy looked at Light and then looked at me. They both nodded Light picked me up and walked me to his room.

Host's POV
      I walked downstairs to see Wilford, Dark, and Anti fighting and Jackgilch was on a gameboy.
      "What are you three yelling about?" I asked crossing my arms. "May I remind you I have a kid! Your lucky that she is better! Now tell me what in Light's name are you three fighting about?" I said.
"H-Host w-we were just talking about the big move to Cincinnati!" Said Dark he looked scared.
"Host you can't move to Cincinnati! You told me that would help me at Raspy Hill!" Anti said.
        "Anti I have a kid and a dog! Raspy Hill isn't a good place for them! And I have a Job there!" I said "and that was not all you were talking about was it?" Anti looked down at his feet.
"The murder that happened 3 years ago...I am telling Anti I didn't kill those people!" Wilford said. I put my head in my hands and shook my head no.

Light's POV
       "Light what going on?" Asked Y/N I looked down at.
       "It's a really long story! I think it's about moving!" I said taking off the necklace that she gave me. "Or about what happened to your mom and Dad 3 years ago!" I whisper to myself.
        "I think we have time!" She said putting on a bracelet she made. I had a rainbow loom kit somehow so she was making me some really cool stuff for a 8 year old.
         "Well Anti is someone you probably will meet one way or another! Well he wants us to go back to Raspy Hill and take care of our brothers and septiceyes! Your dad did not like that idea because that means going back to a place where he was tortured and abused for most of his life..I wasn't really happy either so we told Anti that we will think about it! And when he hard that we are moving to Cincinnati he was not to happy about that!" I said looking at the door. "So now Anti properly convincing Host I mean your dad to move to Raspy Hill and not Cincinnati!" Then the door opened and Anti walked in with Jackgilch.
        "Light please tell Host to move back to Raspy Hill!" Anti pleaded.
        "I'm sorry Anti Host made up his mind! Plus I think Cincinnati is good for Y/N!" I said standing up. I look over to see JG standing behind his brother.
         "L-Light who's that?" Asked Y/N pointing to Anti and JG.
         "H-Hi I'm Jackglitch but you can call me JG!" JG said with a smile. Y/N and JG were about the same age.
         "Hey Y/N how about you and JG go to your room?" I asked she nodded and walked out and JG followed. "Anti this is about what happened to Y/N's parents isn't it?" I asked.
          "Y-Yes...but I think I know who did it!" He said. "But we have to get of the house I asked Google to keep an eye on the kids!" He said walking out of my room I nodded and followed him.

Adopted by him (child reader x the Host) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now