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~the day that they leave~
    Host's POV
I was getting everything in the car when Y/N and Light ran out. Y/N put something in the back. Light helped me put the suitcases in the back.
"Is everyone ready?" I asked looking at Light. Y/N already got in the car in her place.
"I think so who's driving?" Asked Light looking at me.
"I thought you were?" I said walking over to help Y/N in.
"Maybe Dark-you know what I'll drive!" Light said getting in the drivers seat I got in the passenger seat. Wilford sat next to Y/N who was in the vary back. Dark and Google sat in the middle of the car. (They have a Ford explore 2012 the pic ^^) and we we're on are way!

~time skip at the airport~
Host's POV
We got done with what need to get done and was waiting for the plane. Y/N was coloring with Dark and Wilford. Me, Light and Google where getting food. We got candy for the trip but that will be gone before the ride is over. We got more candy and some drinks. Then we head back to the others. When we got back Y/N was asleep in Dark's arms Wilford was playing on his phone. Then our plane was called.

~time skip in Cincinnati~
We got off the plane and we're in a huge airport! (If you been to the Cincinnati airport you know that it's vary confusing and big it's vary big!) we got our bags got a car and then went to the Hotel. Me and Light went out and got some stuff. When we we're out we bumped into someone.
       "L-Light?!" The man said he looked like Light but her wore a red flannel and black pants.
       "M-Mark! I-I thought y-you were in LA?!" Light said making me stand behind him.
"Yes but I am visiting my family here in Cincinnati! Say what are you doing here? And who is this little cutie?" He said beaning down to my level.
"This is Y/N Host's kid!" Light said smiling when he looked at me. "Y/N this is a good friend Mark!"
"Why do you look like My dad and Uncles?" I asked the man just smiled.
"Light is my son well your dad and Uncles are too!" The man said hugging Light. (He is their dad because well you know!)
"Wait a minute your Markiplier!" I said a little excited. "I am standing in front of Markiplier!!!" I jumped up and down.
"Fan I'm guessing?" Mark said looking at Light.
"Yes she watches you every night when she goes to bed!" Light said smiling. "Well we're here because we're moving here! It's a very long story but we're are moving in a few weeks!" Light came over and picked me up.
"Wow! Well I hope you guys have a fun time!" Mark said before walking away.
            "He lives here too?" I asked I knew Mark lived in Cincinnati but he moved to LA to start YouTube I think. Light started to walk back.
             "He did he is just visiting!" Light said walking. I nodded my head and put it in the crook of his neck and slowly feel asleep.

Light's POV
    Y/N fell asleep when we got to the hostel. When I got to the room I put Y/N down on a bed. I put the stuff away and walk to the others who were still trying to find out where their going to sleep. Me, Host, and Y/N are sharing one Host thought that would be the best idea two there was only two beds in each room so I get one and Y/N and Host share one.
      "Why should I sleep on the floor?" Dark asked I think he forgot that there was a kid in the other room.
       "Dark be quiet Y/N is sleeping! And here Google you have one bed Dark and Wilford will share the other! Is that good? Or dose one of you need to sleep on the floor?" I said they all nodded and started to unpack.

~time skip night~
    Host's POV
Because it was Christmas the city decorated for the holiday. So we decided to take Y/N in the town to look at the lights. Light told me what happened today. I was shocked that Mark didn't take Y/N away from me. But I was happy that she was here with me. Happier than ever. It was cold and snowing. we didn't have Jackets so that's why Light and Y/N had to go out. I wore my coat that I always wear, Dark had a black jacket with a red beanie, Wilford a dark pink jacket, Google had a light blue jacket with a light blue beanie, Light had a white jacket, and Y/N has F/C jacket with a black beanie and black gloves. We didn't want her to get sick again so we tried our best getting her warm and safe. But the city in the lights was just so Beautiful. Y/N seemed more happy about it. I saw light twinkle in her eyes when she saw the big Christmas tree in town square. I forget that we never went out for Christmas. So This was all new for all of us. Two hours later Y/N fell asleep in my arms we walked back to the Hotel and got ready for bed. I took off Y/N's jacket, hat, and gloves. She was still wearing her outfit from today. So I kept her in that. I laid her down on our bed and walked to the others.
"Hey Host!" Dark said as quiet he could. He was eating ice cream in 30 degrees weather sometimes I don't get my own brother. Light and Google we're looking at the house. To see what time tomorrow that we go and see it. Wilford was watching tv.
"Hey Dark!" I said getting a cookie. I sat next to Light.
"We have to be at the house at 11:30 am. So wake up around 8:30 9:00?" Light asked looking at me.
"Yeah Wilford Dark can I trust you to take care of Y/N?" I asked looking at the two men fighting over what to watch on tv. I sighed and walked back to the room. I crawled next to Y/N who looked so adorable when she was sleeping. I put my arm around her and scooted her closer to me. And slowly fell asleep. Knowing tomorrow we will be woken up by Wilford and Dark fighting or Light getting me up.

Adopted by him (child reader x the Host) (complete)Where stories live. Discover now