Welcome to Grimauld Place

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3rd Person P.O.V
Riddle Manor
     Voldemort ( He looks like a 26 year old version of Tom Riddle, thanks to a restoration potion ) sat in front of Severus, Lucius, and Draco Malfoy. "Tonight we will retrieve something of great importance to me tonight. I have chosen you three to come with me."
"Yes my lord" The three answered. With that they apparated away.

3rd Person P.O.V
Grimmauld Place
      Harry, Ron, Ginny, Sirius, Remus,and Hermione sat in one of the various living rooms that lay in Grimmauld Place. They were trying to pick a game to play to pass the time when a large bang sounded throughout the house. They all drew their wands and slowly made their way to where the noise had came from. What they saw startled them.

Severus's P.O.V
   Outside Grimmauld Place
5 minutes earlier
It looks like the lions are here.
"It appears as if the place is inhabited at the moment. When we get inside capture them and have them questioned." Voldemort ordered. With that he promptly spelled the front door open with a loud BANG!!!
Before we could reach the end of the hallway we were met with the golden Trio, Weaslette, and the mutts.

  3rd Person P.O.V
    Not one word was said. The only actions that took place were Severus and Sirius glaring. Both Weasleys glaring at the Malfoy's and vice versa, and Harry and Voldemort sizing each other up. Well until Harry suggested " Would you all Care to join us for Truth or Dare?" Everyone but Remus, Sirius, and Voldemort stared at him as if he had grown a second head. "That is a good idea Harry, we were about to play anyway but let me do one thing first OK?" Sirius asked. Harry nodded his approval. " I lord Black call upon the family magic to protect its lord and heir. I ask that you  put this house on lockdown, make it to where no magic can be used, and that we can't use violence during this time period."Sirius stated, magic seemed to engulf him and Harry before settling down. "Now, we cannot cause each other harm and we have the excuse to play truth or dare!"
Sirius exclaimed joyfully " Why would I play this muggle game of yours?" Voldemort asked. "You could learn more about the light side." Hermione suggested. The dark lord sighed "Very well, Let us play." By the time Voldemort finished speaking Harry, Sirius, Ginny and Hermione were jumping up and down, hand in hand  and squealing like little girls. Everyone else just have them sceptical looks  as they did this. When they finished Remus led everyone to the room they were previously in. They all sat in a circle ( Harry, Voldemort, Lucius, Draco, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Remus, And Sirius) " DOBBY! " Harry said. There was a pop. "Yes, master Harry? What can Dobby dos for the great Harry Potter?" The wide eyed elf asked. "Can you bring me a bottle of butterbeer?" Harry asked kindly. Dobby snapped and handed Harry the bottle. "Thank you Dobby." Harry said. Dobby disappeared with a pop. Harry chugged the drink then say the bottle in the middle of the circle and then asked the question everyone was wanting to know. "Who's first?"

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