Back to the Game

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"Why don't we get back to the game?" Remus asked looking around at the rooms occupants. Harry nodded before he adopted a thoughtful expression on his face. "Since Ginerva should have gone next I say we just start over, Who wants to go next?" He announced looking eagerly around the room. Hermione grinned, waving her hand in the hair similarly to the way she does at school when she wants to answer a question. In the background Snape rolled his eyes. "We have a volunteer, well Hermione may the odds be ever in your favor" Hermione laughed at the reference while everyone else just looked confused. She said nothing as she spun the bottle. "More like May the odds be ever in your favor Harry" The bottle had landed on Harry who smirked at the girl he thought of as his sister. "Truth or Dare Harry?" Hermione grinned as Harry answered with a dare, he might have supposed to have been sorted in Slytherin but that didn't mean that he didn't act like a Gryff sometimes. "I dare you to stay in your animagus form for the next three rounds." Everyone was surprised at this, well excluding Sirius and Remus (Who do you think taught him the art?) Harry gave a small groan before he shrank down to become a...

The first person to correctly guess what Harry's animagus form is will win the prize of becoming an oc in any story that I have written of your choosing. Yes I know what his form is so I won't just scroll through the comments and pick one, may the odds be ever in your favor.

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