Suprise Factor

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  The bottle spun to land on... Ginny. Lucius made a disgusted face before sighing when everyone on the 'light' side flared at him. "Truth or Dare Weasley?" Everyone was looking at Lucius and Ginny wondering what was going to happen. "Truth Malfoy" She glared at him with hatred. " Tell is what you feel for Mr. Potter here" Ginny and Ron glared at him before the veretaserum took effect and made her give the answer. "He's a weak half blood who doesn't deserve the money that he owns. He's a way to fix my family's status" She growled. Everyone's eyes widened, excluding Lucius's he just looked smug, when they turned to see Harry's expression they were all surprised. He and Sirius say there grinning and looking excited. "Do it pup you know you want to" Sirius told him making everyone even more confused. " I Hadrian James Potter-Peverell- Gryffindor- Black hereby call a blood feud on all Weasleys excluding Fred, George, Bill, and, Charlie Weasley." As soon as he finished speaking a bright blood red light flashed and the two resident Weasleys screamed in pain before passing out. Everyone stared at the two smug Blacks with questioning eyes as they wondered what just happened. "You can't tell me you didn't see this coming. I've know how they thought of me since first year." Harry told them with an amused face. When they're looks didn't go away Harry sighed before explaining. " My magic lets me sense what other people feel, I'm what's called an empath. When I met the weasleys all excluding the the eldest children felt that I was a way to end their poverty. I merely played along so that the old goat would get off my tail." The dark side all wore surprised looks but those of the 'light' just rolled their eyes at how dramatic Harry was being. Although Sirius and Remus were proud at the Marauder like qualities in their trainee. "Which side are you on Potter?"

So hey guys... So everyone has been telling me to continue and adding it to they're libraries and generally making me feel bad about discontinuing the story so here is this. I will be continuing but updates will be slow! Anyway tell me how you like it in the comments and if anyone has any questions about me or the story then just ask in the comments. If I get any questions I will answer them in the next chapter. See ya later geeks, nerds, and fan girls/fanboys!

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