Truth Serum anyone???

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With that he asked the question that was on everyone's mind. "Who's first?"

Living area
3rd person P.O.V

"Ooh, I will. I will!" Sirius spoke up. After speaking he quickly spun the bottle. The fates seemed to be on his side as it landed on Hermione. "Ok, Hermione Truth or Dare?" He enquired. "Truth" The girl in question answered hesitantly. Sirius pouted but asked "Do you have a crush on anyone in this room?" Hermione muttered a quiet "Yes." Before spinning the bottle. It landed on the potions master. "Truth or Dare Professor?" "What's the worst that could happen, Dare" The dark haired man answered. "I dare you to...
Kiss Harry" The normanly blank potions master was gaping at Hermione. All the while Harry was talking to a very hyper house elf. Seeing that everyone was looking at him Harry turned and faced the circle with a sheepish look. "Yes?" He asked. "What were yall talking about exactly?" Malfoy senior drawled in an indifferent tone. "Oh that" Harry responded running a hand through his unruly hair. " I was asking Dobby here if he could retrieve us a vial of Veritaserum to ensure we speak the truth." Harry explained. "That's a brilliant idea Harry!" Ginny said.

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