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Harry blushed at Ginny's praise. " I think that that's a great idea as well prongslet!" Sirius commented. " Same but Professor Snape had a dare to finish." Hermione informed them. Harry tilted his head curiously at that. " What was the dare?" He asked. " Snake was dared to kiss you" Remus told him. Harry snorted but nodded all the same. "Very well. Get on with it" He said looking like he would fall asleep any minute.  Snape's eyebrow raised but nevertheless he got up from his arm chair. (He refused to sit on the floor, as did Tom and Lucius) Snape walked over to Harry and pecked him on the lips. Everyone quaked at the pair, surprised that there were no complaints. Even Tom was showing surprise  (there might have been some jealousy in that small mix of emotions but you didn't hear anything from me). "Now who's turn is it?" Harry asked seemingly not noticing the group's surprise. When he said this the group snapped out of their daze. "I do believe that it is your turn" Snape said turning to look at Harry. Harry just nodded at the new information. Harry spin the bottle with his foot and it surprisingly landed on...

....... Remus! "Truth or Dare Mooney?" Harry asked tiredly. "Dare cub" Remus told him grinning at the adorable sight of Harry blinking his wide clouded half lidded eyes at him "truth" Remus told him. "Is it true that you were the one to play  the prank on Ginny last week" Harry asked. Remus nervously glanced at Ginny before  nodding hesitantly. Ginny glared at him but Remus tried not to look at the angry weasley. Remus quickly spun the bottle for it to land on Malfoy senior. "Truth or Dare Lucius?" Remus questioned looking at the albino. " Truth" He sneered. "Is it true that you put the diary in Ginny's basket in Harry's 2cnd year?" Everyone turned to Lucius suspiciously, even Tom looked at him with a narrowed gaze. Lucius glanced at his Lord before gulping and hesitantly nodding. " What diary?" Tom asked, although he already knew the answer. "The diary that you gave me. MiLord..." Lucius told him looking as if he would give anything to be invisible. " The diary that I specifically told you to keep safe from harm?" Tom demanded. Lucius gulped but nodded hesitantly. " Let it be known that as soon as we are out of here you will be pinished." He said with a murderous look adorning his handsome features. " It's your turn Lucius" Remus spoke up interrupting the glaring and cowering that were respectively happening on the two dark wizards faces. The blond wizard looked away and cleared his throat, attempting to regain his dignity. " Very well" The blond wizard sneered. He spun the bottle with his foot. The bottle spun to land on...

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