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   He shrunk down to become a baby, giant panda. That's not to say he was giant. In fact, he was tiny, just big enough to sit in Sirius's lap. (Which he did, steadfastly ignoring the surprised stares given to him by all but Sirius and Remus)

  Hermione hummed thoughtfully, "It makes sense if you think about it. Giant Panda's were believed to be guardians and healers. Protectors, of sorts, that work for peace. That's all Harry has wanted for his entire life, peace." From his comfortable position, Harry nodded his little furry head, eyes drooping as Sirius scratched his head.  Murmurs of agreement hailed from Remus and Sirius and a contemplative look could be seen on Tom's face.  

 "Seeing as Harry is unable to go, we'll go with the person next in line," Remus stated, all heads turned to the unhappy Dark Lord. 

  "It's part of the game, my lord," Snape explained, "You have to go at some point." The handsome man in question huffed eloquently  (Is it possible to do such a thing? Regardless of the questionable possibility, he did it.)

  He stretched out a pale hand, long musician like fingers grasping the neck of the bottle reluctantly before he spun the bottle. It spun one, two, a total of three times before landing on Sirius, who grinned a patented to the Black family shit-eating-grin at him. 

   "Truth or dare, Black?" The Dark Lord asked, the words spilling out of his lips like dark chocolate. 

   "Truth or dare? That is the question. On one hand," He lifted on arm in the arm dramatically, carefully so as to not disturb his godson who was on the verge of sleep, "I could allow you to ask me any question that I would be forced to answer truthfully regardless of how much I wanted to, but on the other hand, "He stuck the uplifted hand down and exchanged Harry to it before sticking the other hand into the air, "It would go against my very nature as a Gryffindor to ignore the sweet possibility of a dare. Oh! The difficulties of choosing!" Numerous eyes were rolled at his small soliloquy before Remus spoke up with answers, years of having to deal with his best friend shining through. 

  "Would the most Gryffindor thing to do not be boldly facing the endless possibilities that could be asked of you? Would you not face the void with courage worthy of Merlin himself?" 

"Once again, you are correct, dear Remus! Ask away with your riddles Dark Lord! For I choose Truth!" 

  The man in question smirked, "Why was dear Harry able to use the magic of the Black family without the repercussions that come with not having Black blood flowing through the users veins?" 

  Every occupant on the light side, barring Harry who was, by now, fully asleep, (so many commas....) had a spit take as they had been sipping from the Butter-beer supplied by Dobby. Remus and Sirius glanced at each other, panic painted on their faces. 

   "No take-backs, Black," Snape goaded, "You wouldn't want to break the rules of your own game, would you?" 

   Sirius took a deep breath, "Harry isn't Lily's kid. He's mine, James and I were in a relationship before he started dating Lily. One night, we didn't use protection and James ended up pregnant. Lily didn't care and loved Harry like he was her own. They covered up the pregnancy and pretended like she was the one who carried him." 

What's up? Bet y'all weren't expecting an update three years later! I'm truly sorry guys, I forgot my log-in info and just came across it stored away in my lap-top. So, I'm sorry about the wait and I hope this makes up for it! I can't promise regular updates, heaven knows how messed up my schedule is, but I'll try my best. Also, I totally forgot what Harry's animagus form was supposed to be so I went with what I remembered. You would not believe how many times I had to reread the last chapters to remember the details of this fic. Well, see y'all later geeks, nerds, and fanboys/fangirls!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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