Chapter Two

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"I love you Hazel Grace. Okay?" Gus reaches a hand out to touch me.

"I love you Augustus Waters. Okay." I stretch my arm to reach him but before I can, something latches onto his body. "No! Leave him alone!"

But the monster doesn't stop, in fact, it pulls faster. It drags Augustus down into the black depths. Before he fully drowns, Gus speaks to me.

"Oblivion." Are his last words before he goes limp on the monster's claws.

"Gus? Gus?! Augustus! Please! Say something, anything!" I scream over and over again, tears streaming down my face. He can't be gone. He's not gone. He would never leave me!

"Hazel! Hazel!" A voice shouts in the background. "Wake up hun! Wake up!"

I bolt upright, struggling for breath. My lungs ache for air that isn't being supplied, my throat burns from over use, and my face is stained by tears.

I look around the barely light bedroom and see my dad desperately trying to unhook from the BiPap. The contraption releases me and he scoops me up in his arms. We enter the car and drive to the hospital.

Dad bursts through the doors with me in his arms. My whole body feels numb with the exception of the excruciating pain in the back of my head and right foot. Doctors swarm around me like bees in a hive. I haven't even gotten out of Dad's arms before they have gotten my blood pressure and pulse. Dad sets me down on the dreary grey cement. I take one step towards the provided hospital bed before the pain in my foot becomes too much. My leg gives way and topple to the floor face first.

Everything is in slow motion. The doctors hurtling themselves to catch me. Mum's hand trying to grasp my arms. The fly dancing in front of my face. My body is numb, the ache gone. Then everything speeds up and I smash into the ground. And it all goes black.

Breathing Without HimWhere stories live. Discover now