Chapter Six

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Note to all teenage girls who want to have sex: Don't! It is freaking hard having to carry around a baby for nine months. Especially when you already aren't in the best physical condition.

I have been pregnant for three months and my bump is just starting to show. I've been puking my guts out in the morning and eating more, seeing as I am feeding two growing bodies. Mum still has no idea that I am pregnant and I want to keep it that way until I have to absolutely tell her. Nobody knows but me and my baby.

"Hazel! Are you okay, sweetie?" Mum asks from behind me. I'm hunched over the toilet bowl and she is holding back my hair. Again.

"Yeah, just peachy," I reply. My stomach convulses again and the dinner from last night comes back up and it does not taste as good the second time around.

"Here, let me get you some mouthwash," Mum said as she began rummaging through the cupboards beneath the basin. I wasn't thinking and didn't have enough time to stop her before she froze in shock. In her hands was the test that told me I was pregnant. "Hazel, is there something you want to tell me?"

"Umm...Surprise?" I waved my hands in the air as if I was celebrating but on the inside I wish I could go back to bed. "I'M PREGNANT!" I shouted with fake joy then pushed my mum out the door and stepped into the shower. I blasted the hot water and got soaked from head to toe in the clothes I couldn't be bothered to take off.

I sat on the ground for about ten minutes before I started a bath. I turned the shower off as the tub filled with the steaming water and I transferred into it without the clothes. The bubbles gathered around my thick and thin body and got caught in the mess of hair on top of my head. I rested my hands over my small belly and rubbed it slowly. I slipped under the bubbles and into the warm water as I tried to clear my head. As I was gathering some clarity, two hands pulled me above the surface again. Mum.

"Hazel," she said in a stern voice that meant business. "Get out, dry off and meet me in your bedroom." With that, she left me to get out of the bath and dry my pale yellow body.

As she said, Mum was sitting on my bed with Bluie, waiting as I got dressed, then bombarded me with her questions.

"Who did this to you? How far along are you? What gender is it? Have you gotten a scan yet? Do you have any names in mind? When is-" I cut her off by holding up a hand. At the start she was angry but now she is excited like any mother would be when they are around children.

"To answer your enquiries; A guy at the party Isaac and I went to after I almost died called Miles, I am three months along, it is a boy, I haven't gotten a scan yet and I do have a name in mind. Joshua Augustus Waters," I replied.

"Well, what are you waiting for?! Let's go get that scan!" She pulled my from my bed, made me change into some dark-washed jeans and a loose button-down with a black tank top underneath and some sandals. With Mum's driving, it only took us a few minutes to get to the doctor's. Mum rushed ahead, leaving me to pull Phillip by myself.

As I was getting to the door, my mum came back and told me we had to wait for an hour in the waiting room. Once we sat in the lilac material chairs, she started chirping excitedly.

"I think Joshua Augustus is a cute name and now someone will be able to carry on the Waters family name. Wait, you said that it was a 'Miles' that got you pregnant?" I nodded. "Does this Miles have blonde hair, green eyes and incredible muscles?"

I nodded again. "Yes mum, he had amazing muscles."

"Sweetie, I...I don't know how to tell you this but...well," Mum stopped and grabbed my hand as she stared intently into my eyes. "Miles full name is Miles Andrew Franklin."

"So...?" I encouraged her.

"Honey, Miles was Augustus Waters' cousin."


OMG! Didn't see that coming and I was writing it! Sorry I haven't been updating recently, I've had school holidays and just bed sleeping the day away mostly. School starts again in four days and updates might be faster cause I'll be Wattpad deprived. its weird but it works. Give you lovelies an update soonish. Well, you can be sure of an update in the near future...

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