Chapter Five

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I wake up to the blinding sun pointing directly into my eyes.

I shut my eyes and turn into my pillow. Only, the pillow isn't a pillow. It's a human. A human with a very muscular and warm chest. Apparently my burrowing had woken up the man in the bed. I only realise now that I am completely naked and so is he.

"Good morning, Miles," I reply.

"Good" he says huskily.

"Do you remember my name?" His silence is very reassuring. "I can't believe you! No, actually, I CAN! I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE MYSELF! I AM SO STUPID! BYE ASSHOLE!" I get up off the bed and slip the clothes from last night while screaming profanities at him.

Miles tries to get dressed and grab but I just punch him in the face. I also kick him where the sun don't shine just to be safe. I grab Phillip and storm down the stairs, shoes in hand. I step on the bottom floor of the house and find Isaac passed out on the crappy stage built for last night's karaoke. And let me tell you, it was awful!

"Isaac. Isaac. ISAAC!" I scream in his ear and he topples off onto the floor.

"I did not fart!" he shouts and I can't help but laugh at him. His hair sticks up in every way possible, his shirt is on backwards and his pants are coming off.

"Come on, Isaac. It's Support Group Hazel and we need to leave before he comes," I say to him and pull him up. We slowly hobble out to my car and as I am about to drive off, I see Miles jogging out the door. I speed up and watch in the rear-view mirror as he disappears in the dust from my wheels.

"So, how did your night go?" Isaac asks from the passenger seat. Might as well tell him.

"I got drunk, danced dirtily with a guy, went upstairs with the same guy, had unprotected sex with the same guy, woke up next to the same guy, same guy didn't remember my name, got anry at the same guy, stormed off, found you and here I am. What about you?" I say through gritted teeth but with a cheery tone.

"I got drunk and did karaoke with a bearded guy- wait. What did you just say? Did you just say that you had sex with a random?!" he finishes off at the top of his lungs.

"He wasn't a random, his name was Miles," I explain simply. I can see in my peripheral vision the red face of a fuming Isaac and he starts mumbling. I don't catch most of it but do get snippets.

"Isn't fair...I wanted to do that...Damn son of a...I'd never treat her like that..." I got really confused but couldn't question it because we were outside his house. He shoved his door open and, somehow, got to his door before I could help him. What was his problem?

I drove home and went to lie down on my bed. I've only been lying down for one minute before a churning feeling erupts in my stomach and pulls me towards the bathroom. I hurl in the toilet then hop in the hot shower, clothes and all. I peel off the soaked dress and lay my head on the tiles of the shower wall. I breath in and out until I have to puke again. The vomit swirls down the drain and I feel a little better. I wash the touch of Miles off me and lie down on my bed with just a towel.

As I am about to drift off, a thought snaps me awake.

"I could be pregnant," I whisper to the silence of the empty house. Dad is at work and Mum is out with a client. She got her Patrick degree so now she is being a Patrick to someone. I jump off the bed and throw on underwear, a bra, a light blue dress and my black sandals. I leave my hair and speed to the chemist.

I get many stares as I walk to the section where they have the pregnancy tests. Some sympathetic, some blank like they don't know what do and others glared at me as if they have to deal with pregnant teenage girls all the time. They probably do.

I dash out of the judgemental room, park outside of my house and sprint as much as I can with crap lungs to the bathroom. I pee on the stick and wait the 20 necessary minutes. The seconds seem like minutes and the minutes seem like hours until I grab some ice-cream. Time goes really fast when I eat the Double-Choc-Fudge-Delight-Special-Edition.

The test beeps and I stare at it as the picture comes up. The test is a fancy one so you can see the gender if you are pregnant. A blue circle comes up and I check the instruction manual from the box.

......I'm having a baby boy......

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