Chapter Four

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WARNING! This chapter gets a little old at the end so if you are young just dont read this chapter and I will explain what happens in the next chapter without having you go through the details

Two days have passed since I was admitted to the hospital and today is Friday, the day of the party. I am excited to be out of the house where everything thing is slow and painful. But, I have been praying, hard. Praying that the morning doesn't come. Praying that the morning sun won't pull me into another day without my Augustus Waters. Praying that my lungs won't be able to supply anymore oxygen, that my brain will shutdown, that my heart will stop.

And still I wake every morning, feeling a small rush of good emotions at sight of the sunlight streaming through my blinds but then the grief slams into me like wave smashes onto rocks and I drown in the sorrowful waves.

At four in the afternoon, Isaac sends me a message with the directions to the house. What I heard at the hospital I have dismissed as my mind playing tricks on me and that I am probably going insane. I've already been labelled as 'mentally disoriented'. I've got the hospital band to prove it.

I start a hot shower and strip, taking care of my cannula and oxygen tank. The droplets scold my skin but they still aren't hot enough. The burning helps the pain in my heart. Replaces the emotional pain with physical pain. I crouch down and plop on the warm tiles of the shower. I draw my newly shaven knees up to my chest and just break down. I can't tell which drops on my cheeks are water or tears. I sob and sob until I am breathless. The water's effect has worn of and now I can feel the tightness of my ribs around the beating heart, the invisible hand tightening around my neck.

I stand from the floor and switch the water off. I wrap my frail body in a scratchy towel and rub it up and down my body until I am dry. I select a skin tight electric blue dress that goes to mid-thigh with a sweetheart neckline and no sleeves. I also grab some white three-inch wedges and coat my eyelashes with mascara and draw thick lines of eyeliner. I brush on smokey style eyeshadow and slather bright red lipstick on from when my mum went a little crazy at the make-up store. I can't really do much about my hair but brush it and hope it will stay down and not stick up.

Tonight is my night.

I head towards the front door and pick up my keys, wallet and phone and stuff them in my white clutch. My car waits in the driveway and I drive to Isaac's house. He walks out of the house in black jeans, a light green v-neck and a pair of black converse. He slids into the car and we are off to 78 Hillcrest Avenue.

Even all the way down the street, I can hear the pounding music, the shouting people, pulsing against the car like an earthquake. On the healthy green lawn out the front there are couples making out, people passed out, people so drunk they have to lean on other people to stand.

Isaac and I pick our way through the crushed cups and empty beer bottles to the front door, a large red Victorian style door, and enter the party. Two seconds in and someone has already come up to me to lead me to the bar. Of course I accept as my mantra bumps around in my brain. Tonight is my night, tonight is my night, tonight is my night, tonight is my night.

The stranger, a tall girl with pale skin and raven black hair, offers me beer but I need something better.

"What's the strongest stuff you got?" I yell over the music. She smiles at me and grabs a bottle from the cabinet behind her. It is a medium sized bottle with brown tinger glass and a clear liquid inside. The girl doesn't tell me the name of it, just shoves it in my hand and tell sme to drink. I take a sip and it burns my throat but after I feel a slight glow in my stomach and take a larger glup. And another, and another, and another until I have completely drained the bottle and moved onto a large bottle with a label saying 'vodka' in fancy letters. The bottle is drained within the span of a minute.

The warm glow has grown larger and spread to my head, making me sway in a blissful happiness. Someone gives me a beer and I don't hesitate before swallowing half of it. I trot over to the staircase and sit on the railing. I drain the plastic cup and chuck it on the floor. 'I'm Sexy and I Know It' by LMFAO comes on and I stomp onto the makeshift dancefloor and start to sway my hips wildly.

After some serious thrusting, two hands plant themselves on my hips and pull me into a toned chest. I don't question the male behind me like I normally would but grind my butt upon him. He grinds back and we start a very dirty dance. A slow song comes on and he pulls me back to the stairs where I was before. I recognise the song as 'Anything Could Happen' by Ellie Goulding. His alcohol-reeking hot breath is on my neck and ear as he whispers in my ear.

"..Yet since we found out

Since we found out

That anything could happen

Anything could happen

Anything could happen..."

"How about we go and have some fun in a private place," I smile and nod my head as I turn to have a good look at him. Floppy blonde hair, bright green eyes with lines of grey, a strong jawline, full lips, a charming smile, tanned skin and incredible muscles. Overall, a good choice for someone to have fun with.

He grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs to a bedroom on the left side of the hallway. He pushes the door open, closes and locks it, then pushes me up against and starts fiercely kissing me. I kiss back with as much intesity as I can with an oxygen tank. How did I even get it up here?

I push him away and onto the bed. I crawl on top and kiss down his neck and across his jaw. He turns us around and kneels over me, kissing and nibbling on my neck and chest.

"What-What is" I ask between gasps and moans.

"Miles," He replies and takes off his shoes then mine.

"Hazel," I tell him and unbutton his shirt while kissing him on the lips. Miles unzips my dress and pulls it off, leaving me in a black lace push-up bra and panties. I take off his pants, leaving him in red boxers and pull him on top of me. We are a hot mash of limbs and skin but it is amazing.

Miles unclips my bra and flings it away then takes my breasts in his mouth and hands, kneading and sucking until I groan so loud it almost sounds like a scream. He removes his boxers while I remove my panties and we begin. I don't bother about a condom, I don't want to stop and ruin the moment. He inserts and it feels too good to be true. He thrusts faster and faster then finally ejackulates and softens. He flops down next to me and falls asleep rather quickly. I lay my head on his sweaty chest, pull the covers up and fall asleep for once without praying not to wake up the next morning. Just as I am about to drift off, the lyrics from before float into my head;

...Anything could happen...

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