Inconvenient convenient stores

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"I, the mighty dog, will slay all the beast with my amazing dabbing powers!!!" Changkyun yelled all too excitedly, jabbing a pillow with a cardboard sword and dabbing shortly after. Hwan followed his actions, giggling and trying to dab but ended up simply whacking his own face. He whimpered gently at the pain, but upon seeing Changkyun's worried face, he smiled and continued to attack the pillow with a drawing taped to it.

Kihyun watched them with a gentle smile, marinating chicken in a large glass bowl cradled in his arms. His hands mindlessly coat chicken breast and chicken thighs in the simple marinade, eyes carefully watching his son attack a pillow with all his might. The scene seemed all too domestic, but he couldn't help but feel like it was missing something. Or, it was missing someone in particular. Kihyun kept this in mind, a bit irritated how he had this feeling of incompleteness despite having Changkyun over to help him watch Hwan.

The younger of the two has always been by Kihyun's side since around 7th grade. They separated due to him moving to the states, but he came back a lot more responsible but still the same man as he was before. whatever Kihyun needed, Changkyun would always give. No explanations were needed, just a simple give and get.

"Changkyun-Ah~" he called out, covering the bowl in plastic wrap and sticking it into an empty space in the fridge. "Mind cutting the cabbage for me? I need to go grab some chili paste for kimchi tonight." He said as he washed his hands and wiped them on his apron. Kihyun slipped it off shortly after to change out of his sweats, entering his room and finding decent clothes to wear.

Changkyun, of course, nodded with a smile. He saluted the single father, cleaning up the livingroom first with Hwan in his arms. "Wanna help uncle Kyunnie cook?" he said in his best cute voice, having the child nod and attempt to cup the large face in his small hands. "Mhm! Help uncle!" Hwan said, learning more words and gladly showing off his skills.

There was a stream of praise and baby talk coming from Changkyun as they walked into the kitchen and began doing as Kihyun asked. Honestly, Kihyun hasn't figured out why hadn't tapped that back in highschool when they were in the same school, but on the other hand he's glad he didnt. If he had maybe they wouldn't have this kind of relationship.

He shook the weird thoughts out of his head, settling them on the fact that Changkyun was dad material and not daddy material. He waved the two off, placing a kiss on Hwan's cheek assuring him he will be back in no time. The little boy waved and patted Kihyun's shoulder as he squatted, looking at him with serious eyes.

"Be cwareful mommy" He said, continuously patting Kihyun's shoulder before stopping, waddling back to Changkyun. Kihyun couldn't help but smile, happy he raised such a wonderful kid before leaving the house. He flipped on a pair of flip-flop, something that didn't match his outfit but he didnt care at the moment. He needed chili paste from the convenient store, not an entertainment scouter other at the moment.

The pinkette jogged shortly to the small corner store, walking in and letting the extreme ac blast him like he just entered The Artic. He shivered slightly at the feeling, greeting the cashier and making his way down the aisle, eyes looking for the small container of chili paste.

"Where the fu-"

"Kihyun! What are you doing here?" A voice called out. Kihyun turned his head from the rows of canned corn, seeing the dimpled man with his hot friend. Kihyun meant to think Jooheon and Hyunwoo but he was too busy thinking about chili paste and kimchi to care think about their names at the given moment.

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