The Bad Boy Saved Me <> Teen Fiction.

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Chapter 6

Austin's pov

Its spring break and today is Lily's dads wedding. Lily hates Molly's mom Sarah. Lily told her dad that she wasn't going to be a bridesmaid after the stunt Sarah pulled. Molly has been nothing but supportive to Lily which is shocking.

"Babe!" Lily called out from the bathroom. I walked in and she was wearing her undergarments.

"Baby girl your killing me." I whispered into her ear making her shiver. I started kissing her neck and she giggled.

"Babe we only have 3 hours." She moaned out.

"I only need an hour." I said biting her neck and she moaned turning around and jumping up wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Than the hour starts now." She said and started kissing my neck making me squeeze her ass.


"Oh fuck!" Lily panted rolling off me and I turned and kissed her and she giggled. She got up and went to the bathroom to shower. I got up and joined her. We may have fooled around more. We got out and she dried her hair than curled it. She put light makeup on and than slipped her undergarments on and went to the closet as I got dressed in my suit. My mom and the guys would be there as well. All her best friends left for spring break 2 days ago. Lily walked out in a beautiful dress that fit perfectly on her body. After finishing getting ready we went downstairs. Jane gushed at us and took pictures. Axel took a picture with us than we left.


Lilith's pov

I was forced to take pictures with my dads new family and I made Austin take some with us. My family gushed at how Austin and I looked. My Nona was in a foul mood soon I took Austin over to meet here.

"Nona!" I said and she looked up and smiled brightly.

"My Lily Flower!" She beamed and carefully stood up.

"Nona this is my boyfriend Austin Reed." I said and she smiled as she hugged me.

"You treating my Lily flower good?" She asked and Austin wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I am ma'am. She's my world." He said making my heart flutter at his words. I smiled and and kissed his cheek.

"Oh dear call me Nona." She said and I giggled.

"Oh my God you two look adorable!" Aunt Sue gushed and I grumbled. She's my dad's sister and she's horrendous.

"Oh look my name is being called. Bye Nona." I said and hurried and dragged Austin away as he laughed.

"Who was that?" He asked and I said my Aunt Sue.

"My dads sister. She's horrendous. All she does is gossip like a teenage girl. She dresses like a teenage girl and acts like it. She's 42." I said and he laughed as we saw our friends and his mom.

"Mother of Christ I don't want to be here." I whined to Mrs Reed and she giggled and hugged me. Soon the ceremony started. My soon to be step mom glared at me I gripped Austin's hand from lashing out. He rubbed my lower back.


I was dancing with my dad and he smiled.

"Your happy. You haven't been this happy since your mom." He said and I smiled.

"Austin makes me happy. He saved me. I'm glad I have him." I said and he spun me and I landed in Austin's arms. I giggled and he smiled at me.

"You look absolutely beautiful my love." He said as we dance. I leaned up and kissed him.

"Lily its time for the flower toss." Molly said dragging me to the center.

"You two are great together. I'm glad you found happiness again Lily bug." She said using my old nick name from middle school. Her mom threw the bouquet and it landed in my hands. The women cheered. It wad time for the garder toss and Guess who caught. Austin. He put the garder on me and pictures were taken. We than had cake. After cake Austin and I went to the cabin for the rest of the week. I had Axel get knew locks for my house while we were gone.

I was in our room changing when Austin walked in. He advanced towards me and I grabbed his shirt when he got close and pulled him to me and he leaned down and kissed me. He laid me down without parting lips and he hovered on top of me, he began to kiss me hungrily and I threw my head back and felt my eyes roll back in pleasure, I let out soft moans, I quickly sat up and removed his shirt, running my hands through his torso, he was so toned and perfectly sculpted.

I pulled his head back, I sucked in a breath and kissed him again. It was hot and fierce. His hands roamed further. Now they ran over my hips and down as now I sat on top of him, my feet wrapped around his waist once again, he tore my tank crop top over my head revealing my bra. His hands roamed all over my body and than. He took off my pants leaving me in my bra and undies, he pulled back and looked at my body,

"So beautiful." He whispered and he crashed his lips back on mine,

I had no struggle unbuckling his pants and soon they were off as well, next to my pile of clothes I was wearing 2 minutes ago. His hands now roamed my entire body and everywhere he touched there was a fire that craves for him, I pulled him closer to me craving for him, our bodies to be as close as can be, my core burning and moist and ready for him, I could feel his hardness to,

I ran my fingernail across the front of his boxers as our tongues wrestled. He groaned into my mouth as his hips gently thrust into my hand. his erection pressed out against his boxers into my hand. I than felt like wanting more. I needed him inside me now, I pulled him closer to me, his body was covering me like a blanket and I could feel his hardness on my thigh, I moaned and threw my head back, "Austin." I moaned out and he shivered at the way his name rolled of my tongue. "Just fuck me." I whispered in between my moans.

He didn't seem to be told twice,his hands were already undoing my bra and his left hand was massaging my breast, I moaned again and he began to keep kissing making his way down my stomach, I couldn't take it anymore, I need him inside of me now!

He was now kissing in between my thighs and I felt him getting closer and closer, my moans became louder, he finally reached it and soon my undies were off, he knelt back down and looked up at me, he than began to massage my clit and the pleasure was just to much,  than I felt his finger inside of my thrusting than I felt two, I moaned and moaned his name, barley audible, soon I felt close, I was close and he knew I was close so he replaced his fingers with his tongue, sucking, licking and biting me, no one has ever made me feel like this, he was so experienced and I love the way he makes me feel,

"Let go, I know your ready." I heard him say and I did what I was told to.

"I need you Austin, I need you inside of me." I moaned and he nodded.

"I know, I know." He said and than I felt his hardness rubbing my core, I moaned in pleasure and I felt him slide inside of me little by little, he felt so right, he began to move slowly in and out, as soon as he was all inside his thrust became harder and faster, its like we were made for each other,every time he was fully inside of me it felt perfect. I moaned out his name and I heard him grunt and growl in pleasure too, my name sliding off his tongue was like listening to heaven sing.

"Oh god yes Austin. Yes." I moaned and he went faster. I felt my self ready and I could feel he was ready to. He went harder and I held onto the head bored as it was banging against the wall and than I felt him and myself release. We both moaned and he rolled over panting.

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