The Bad Boy Saved Me<> Teen Fiction

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Chapter 8

Lily's pov

Senior year.

I am over due and it sucks. Today is supposed to be my first day of my senior year and I'm stuck at the hospital finally in labor. Molly, dad Sarah, Jane and Paula are out in the waiting room while Austin is with me. They gave me epidural.


I was laying in bed holding my bundle of joy while Austin got our family. He had my eyes and Austin's hair. Yeah he came out with hair. Shocking I know right? Austin came in with our family and they gasped at the sight of him. They took turns holding him.

"What's his name?" Paula asked and I smiled up at Austin.

"Oliver Jackson." We said and Paula looked at us shocked. The two names of Austin's baby brother.

"You are so precious." She said to us and we smiled.


I was staying home for a month while taking care of Olly and Austin was going to school and working. See Austin moved so we didn't have to keep going back and forth. Jane moved into the house her and Axel agreed on before she had Liam Jay. He is just a ham. I put Olly down for his nap around 12. I sat on the floor of my bed doing my school work via computer. I was working on government when he woke up crying. I got up and went over to his crib picking him changed his dipper. I made funny faces at him and he was giggling. He grabbed my finger and gave me a cheeky smile. It made my heart leap. Its hard to believe that I carried this bundle of joy in my womb. I picked him up and rocked him back to sleep as I read over chapter 3 in the government. I was also going to culinary school part time to be a chief. I go on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. My dad or Paula watches him those nights. Anyways Olly fell asleep and I put him back in his crib.

Austin's pov

I came home to find Lily cleaning the house. She heard me and smiled when she saw me.

"He went down half an hour ago. I'm so glad he sleeps through the night most of the time." She said and kissed me. I smiled and pulled her closer to me.

"Mmm." She moaned as I deepened the kiss. She pushed my bag off my shoulders and jumped on me wrapping her legs around my waist. I pulled away and started kissing her neck.


We laid in bed breathless. She looked over at Olly and he was still sound asleep. She went under the blanket and I gasped when I felt her mouth. She flicked her tongue and I gripped her hair and pushed her head down as I moaned. She licked the tip and I groaned and she started to suck me faster and I let out a pleasure groan.

"Lilith." I moaned and she went faster. Shortly after she crawled up and licked her lips. I laid her down and I slid inside slowly and she moaned. 

As soon as I was all inside my thrust became harder and faster, its like we were made for each other,every time I was fully inside of her it felt perfect. She moaned out my name and she heard me grunt in pleasure too.

"Faster." She moaned and I went faster and her moans became louder. I slowed down and kissed her.

I flipped us over so she was on top. As my cock hit her G-spot  she went up and down with her hands on my chest and her breast bouncing up and down. I moaned her name and she moaned louder.

"Oh God Austin." She moaned as she was about to have her orgasm. I rolled us over and grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head as I pumped in and out of her.

"Your mine and only mine." She moaned and I kissed her and kept pumping inside her make her legs shake. After I moaned I pulled out and rolled over. We panted more and she slipped her undergarments on and my shirt on. I slipped my boxers on and than a pair of sweats. She snuggled into me and we went to sleep.

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