The Bad Boy Saved Me <> Teen Fiction.

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Chapter 7

Christmas Break.

Lilith's pov

My brother was back in Iran and Jane moved in with me because she's pregnant. She's 23 weeks pregnant and having a boy. My dad and Sarah had the twins. Both girls. Lydia and Lyla. They are so precious. Sarah and I are improving our relationship. She had been visiting her dads grave. She had saw me visiting my mom and said she didn't know she was dead. I told her all about my mom and her accident that killed her. Austin and I are great. Its been 9 months since we started dating. At the moment I'm taking a test with Molly and Sarah. My dad is waiting in my room. I'm scared.

"How the hell did this happen. We've always used a condom." I sat and cupped my face. Sarah hugged me and I broke down crying.

"Austin is going to leave me." I sobbed and Molly joined and said he would never leave you.

"He loves you Lily bug. When you are with him he's talking about you and how amazing you are." Molly said and the timer went off. I sat up and lifted my hand up and looked at the test.

My heart leaped knowing that I'm pregnant now

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My heart leaped knowing that I'm pregnant now. We told dad and he hugged me. I called Austin and had him come over with his mom. I sat in my room with my head in my hands.

"Lily babe?" Austin said and I felt him sit down and someone sit on the other side. I pulled my hands away and saw Austin and his mom.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked and I sighed and showed him the pregnancy test.

"But. We were always safe." He said and I nodded.

"Condoms do break." Ms Reed said and he pulled me to him and kissed my head.

"We're having a kid." He whispered making me giggle.

"So your okay with this?" I asked weakly and he smiled lifting my chin up.

"I am. You are my world and I would never leave you pregnant or not. I love you and I'm going to love this child." He said and I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I love you too." I said and he smiled. Ms Reed hugged me and said she will get me appointments and that Austin and I need to go maternity shopping.

"How did you figure you needed a test?" He asked and I smiled.

"I've gained weight in my hips and breast. And I missed my period for 2 months. I thought it was stress because of mid terms." I said and he chuckled.

"Such a nerd." He said and kissed my head. Sarah and Ms Reed came in and smiled.

"You have an appointment tomorrow at 12. Your going with Austin." They said and we giggled. Molly came in and said that she was going to get Lucy and Alison to help with the nursery.

"Shit." We said and they looked confused.

"We have to tell the others." I said and they giggled.

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